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Creating a game before quarantine finishes

A topic by quou created May 07, 2020 Views: 606 Replies: 15
Viewing posts 1 to 12
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I've decided to create a game from scratch using my own engine, and release it before quarantine ends, mainly because I want to finish a project for once. I will make one post every day about my progress. I plan to make an arena melee combat game.

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[DAY 1] - Player movement

Today I created a basic sprite manager, and some top-down movement using the arrow keys. Tomorrow, I will focus on animation.

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[DAY 2] - Animation & Tilemap loading

Today, I created the animations system, as well as a system to load a tilemap created using the Tiled level editor.

Tomorrow, I will add collision for the rocks, and may even start on a basic enemy

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[DAY 3] - Tilemap collisions

Today I coded the collision system, so you can't walk through the rocks anymore. I didn't get to work on the enemies today, since the collision system took quite a lot of time.

Tomorrow: Enemies :D

Interesting project, good luck =]


Thanks! I'll need it if I want to actually finish this project!


[DAY 4] - Enemies and melee attack

Today I added enemies and a simple melee attack. I want to add more feedback to it, and fix up some bugs, so that's what I'll do tomorrow

Hey, that looks pretty cool! The sprites are simple, but I really like them.

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Thanks. The pixel art is very work-in-progress. I will eventually redraw all of it, and spend more time on it, because I literally drew all of this in 20 minutes :/. I will dedicate a day, maybe next week, to redo all of the artwork...


[DAY 5] - Dashing, More Combat, and optimization

Today I worked on smoothing out the combat, and I added a dash ability, which really fleshes out the combat, and makes it feel a lot better. I also optimized the map rendering, so instead of rendering all the tiles individually, it now renders them all at once, so now the game runs a lot faster.

Tomorrow: Add more elements to the environments, to make it a little less boring. I also want to try to create a particle system to add more visual feedback to the game, which is something that I've never done before...

Looking pretty cool so far. Will there be abilities / power ups as well? 


Thank-you. I want to add more weapons, magic, enemies, etc. I also want to eventually add crafting, but I'll see where it goes...


[DAY 6] - Particle System, SFX and enviroment.

The gameplay is really starting to emerge! Today I created a particle system (The first time I've done this), added projectiles and sound effects, as well as some trees to make the environment a bit more interesting. I also made the enemy spawning infinite.
Tomorrow: Menus & UI. It's about time we had at least a health bar for the player. I will also look at adding some music.

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[DAY 7] - The Final Day (For now)

Today I added a very basic menu, and a head-up-display, as well as a score counter.

Here's the page for it if you want to play it:

I might continue this in the future, but I have another project that I'm starting soon... This isn't a long series of devlogs, I know, but I had fun, and hopefully the game is half-decent at least.


I tried your demo! Killed 25 blob monsters. Looks like you got all the basic elements. I like how the trees turn transparent when you walk behind them. I think some of the attack animations could use improvement. Are those boulders the good knight is tossing at the blobs or some other projectile? I would also make the sword melee attack more pronounced -- the animation looks really short range and when you have unlimited boulders to toss at the enemy it doesn't give much incentive to use a melee attack.

Excellent progress for one week of game dev!

Thanks! I didn't spend much time on the animations, and pretty much everything could use a great deal of polish.