About the game
Hi everyone, my name is Rafael and I’m currently working in a game called “The Adventures of the Lone Bounty Hunter”. This game is a top-down shooter roguelike in which you play as a bounty hunter during the wild west, your sole objective is to collect as much bounty as you can. I started the development in November last year for a game jam but wasn’t able to finish in time because I hit a roadblock related to the enemy AI, more specifically the pathfinding. Basically, I wanted to do more than I could at the time in the game jam time frame.
Map Generation
As I studied pathfinding, I focused on the development of another important aspect of the game, the map generation. The game map is divided into 3 sections: start, middle and finish. Each section is divided into what I call rooms. The start and finish section can only have one room, the start room is where the player, you guessed it, start the game, and the finish room is where the player will have to fight the boss. The middle section can have as many rooms as needed for gameplay.
AI Pathfinding
When I had the idea for the game during the game jam I didn’t consider pathfinding, and as I started the development in Unity I found that the engine doesn’t have a 2d pathfinding solution, at the time I couldn’t use someone else code because of the jam nor I knew how to code myself. If I wasn’t going to finish the game for the game jam, why didn’t I use someone else solution you may ask. Well, I want to learn, and that’s what I did in the following months. Now I have a piece of new knowledge and the AI can find their way in the maps of my game. Although it is still necessary to optimize, for now, is good enough.