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"Tiaras: Magical Tales" is a casual quest for girls aged 4-7

A topic by DEVGAME_OU created Feb 24, 2020 Views: 133
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Ever dreamt of becoming a heroine of your favorite animated series? You can do it now!

Tiaras are happy to present their first official game: Tiaras: Magical Tales -
In the game, you'll uncover all the mysteries of the Divnogorye island, but be careful - it'll be dangerous and there are many traps to stop you!

What's inside:
- inexpressible emotions!
- the endings you'd never expect!
- various obstacles!
- interesting stories!
- a variety of choices!
- minigames, bats and a lot more!

What, you're still reading this?Go and get the game and uncover the power of magic!

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