Where the hell do I go after finding the first red pillar?
This guide is meant to be a spoiler-free list of tips to help you proceed through Oquonie. So if you have not yet found the first pillar, this is not for you, so keep playing, for your only task at the moment is to find three matching tokens.
You have found a locked red door, a red pillar thing appeared next to one of the town's gates, you have been turned back into the first character, Necomedre. What do?
In your travels, you have met a small spiky ramen-eating character, speaking to him will have spawn in town and give you a token. You need his help, so make sure that you have found him in each of the worlds.
Many doors, across the worlds, were locked. You have gone through the levels without paying any mind to them but now you will need to find each world's Red Pillar to unlock the door. My guess would be that you are in town and do not know where to proceed next. So this is my tip to you.
Good luck.