Hello there!
Glad you came across my post!
My name is Joseph Manley, and I am a fairly experienced programmer, especially in the realm of Networking and DevOps. I’ve been making hobby projects with Unity for a little more than four years and been doing the same with Godot over this last year.
When working on projects, I am a big fan of building and integrating custom pipelines and tools, which means that I prefer my code to be modular, reusable, and easily configurable.
I am a big fan of strategy, multiplayer, RPGs, and casual adventure games, but I am willing to work on anything exciting and innovative.
Notable Projects
Heroic Lab’s Nakama on ECS
AWS CloudFormation stack of the containerized version of Nakama running on ECS. This stack contains the needed infrastructure to entirely run Nakama securely with SSL and set up for easy integration with Nakama enterprise.
GitHub: https://github.com/josephbmanley/ecs-nakama
Glitch in the System
Glitch in the System is a terminal styled jam platformer with random map generation. As this was a solo project, I am responsible for mostly the whole thing, aside from the sound assets I used.
Itch.io: https://joebmanley.itch.io/glitchinthesystem
He Has Hostages
A top-down jam game where you grab as much money as you can and get out! In this project, I was in charge of the code, design, and project management.
Ludum Dare: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/43/he-has-hostages
If you have any questions about my experience, technology, or anything else, feel free to reply to this post or contact me on social media. Please note that for any long term project, I would like some sort of financial compensation of some sort due to the risk of projects falling apart.
If you would like to schedule a meeting with me, you can do so here.
Thank you!
Links of interest: