I really dig the type of culture the Itch.io promotes when it comes to gaming. I like the notion of more lightweight, maybe even browser caliber games being emphasized - and it gets bigger. They are just easier to have a go with, more compatible across platforms.
'Pay-what-you-want' and the associated 'free-to-play' system allows people to actually play the games and talk about them, rate them, give fair feedback and point on support, rather than to revolve everything around money to begin with. 'Pay-what-you-want' is just friendlier, more doable, it is actually a renaissance approach. In my opinion, this is the way of the future. Yes, this is not a place that will be the favour of greed, but certainly if someone came for joy and to have a good, constructive time, it will land.
Maybe Itch.io looks messy compared to some other platforms aimed at heavier commerce, but I do believe this is a creative chaos, the one which emerges when a lot of people try to make a valid contribution.
Keep up the spirit of indie gaming!