Is this expected behaviour? I only started using Butler for the last month and assumed it would figure things out and upload less than the whole thing yet every upload sees the size (roughly) matching the built directory size. (yeah 2% reuse apparently) I realise Unity's likely regenerating a tonne of stuff and generated junk like this very well may not match much with previous upload but I'd still have kind'a expected more to be saved, no?
Maybe I'm doing something sub-optimally (aka 'wrong' ;-) )?
D:\tmp\Web>butler push "Plundering Platforms" arakade/plunderingplatforms:html ∙ For channel `html`: last build is 195422, downloading its signature ∙ Pushing 11.37 MiB (17 files, 2 dirs, 0 symlinks) √ Re-used 2.10% of old, added 11.14 MiB fresh data √ 11.06 MiB patch (2.81% savings) ∙ Build is now processing, should be up in a bit. Use the `butler status arakade/plunderingplatforms:html` for more information.
Thx for any thoughts. Oh and any admins tried using "code" formatting while using the dark theme? It's formatting the text black = invisible!
D:\tmp\Web>butler --version
v15.17.0, built on Aug 13 2019 @ 19:35:08, ref 94c194ef1888b0363e399983355bf981dee38ff8