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Feature concepts: New robots, upgrades and objects!

A topic by GoldDieRus created Sep 12, 2019 Views: 7,581 Replies: 104
Viewing posts 1 to 64
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>Snipers: these robots have crossbow and they have own advantages: 1)using crossbow your arrow will fly very fast but one shot takes one energy; 2) deflecting the crossbow arrow you get unbalanced like from Mark 2 swordman's swing

Sniper Mark 1: energy capacity 3, energy recharge 1, fire arrow 2, stationary

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Sniper Mark 2: energy capacity 3, energy recharge 2, fire arrow 1, arrow width 200%, kick power


You are very good at making concepts for this game.

What about a robot with 2 one-hand swords?

(This idea is from every time i miss someone with the orizzontal jetpack swing)

It could be like an Elite Bot

I thought I once wrote about this idea, check the post about samurai bots

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Sniper Mark 3: max energy, energy recharge 3, fire sword 1, block arrows 3, fire arrow 1, arrow width 300%, get up

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Jetpack kickarcher: energy capacity 2, energy recharge 1, jetpack 1, kick power, fire arrow 2

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Jetpack kickhammerbot: energy capacity 2, jetpack 2, get up, fire hammer

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>Jetpack bot Mark 3 : energy capacity 2, energy recharge 2,jetpack 2,fire sword 1, block arrows 1, mark 2 get up

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Spear thrower: this robot uses his spear to THROW it at the player. You have to use your shield to block this spear.

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>Headbutter: This robot resembles a kickbot but he doesn't kick, he butts/bashes with his head and hits with horns on his helmet and moves like MK 2 robot.  Fof Mind Transfer Challenge: Press RMB to bash

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>Shieldbot: These robots similar to kickbots but they have a big shield like spearbots. They move like MK1 swordsmen and protect other robots from arrows. Upgrades: shield bash, energy capacity 1, shield 2(=block arrows 3)

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Ice archer: this type of archers is especially important because when its arrow hits the player, part of the player’s body begins to become covered with ice, which makes him slower, also he is very accurate

Upgrades: energy capacity 3

Deleted 5 years ago
Deleted 5 years ago
Deleted 5 years ago
Deleted 5 years ago
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>Seabots: these robots can swim in water, which is also a new object for "Level editor" called "water cube"
-Aquabot: energy capacity 2, energy recharge 1, jetpack, block arrows 3, arrow width 200%, float(new upgrade), which gives you ability to swim


Laser shark: 1)this fishy will try to kick the player into the water if the player is near the water; 2)laser shark can't move on the land; 3) If you are in the water the shark will use laser, also it will push you away if you come close; 4) you can change the shark skin! There're only 4 textures

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And here is what I worked on for a long time(not long). I think these three robots should be added to the fifth chapter of the game. These are MASTERBOTS. They can be added to the chapter 5 as bosses. 

Advantages: Masterbot equips hammer if you have armor or equip spear with shield; He equips sword if you shoot at him; He tries to kick you if you equip hammer.

-Masterbot Mark 1: energy capacity 1, energy recharge 2, block arrows 1, bow, hammer, jetpack

Masterbot Mark 1 (the last version)

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Masterbot Mark 2: energy capacity 2, energy recharge 2, fire sword 1,block arrows 1, fire arrow 1, arrow width 200%, fire hammer, jetpack, kick

Masterbot Mark 2(the last version)

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Masterbot Mark 3: max energy, max sword, block arrows 3, fire arrow 1, arrow width 300%, fire hammer, hammer size 1, jetpack 2, kick, get up,flame breath


You forgot a robot that could revive other robots and has a electric staff thing

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Sounds nice. I will think about it.


>Revive bot/Fleet Analysis Bot 5: he revives killed robots during the battle, uses kicks and flame breath. If you make Revive bot your ally there is a chance that during the battle he can revive you

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>Acid bots: The main weapon of these robots is ACID. If the acid touches human it will spread down and slowly destroy the body. P.s. Arrows and blades have green colour

-Acid sniper(left): energy capacity 3, energy recharge 1, arrow width 200%

-Acid spearbot(right): mark 2 robot movements, mark 2 get up, uses dash; Upgrade: energy recharge 1

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And the main robot from the category of acid bots!  Rex 5000!

Nuclear Rex 5000: He uses 2 weapons are laser and NUCLEAR GRENADES(It looks like an ordinary grenade, only it is green and when it explodes, particles that fall on the body of the robot will corrode it). Also when new arena spawns with him you will hear his roar

Nuclear Rex 5000 remake:

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My main creation> SPIDERTRON-10000: This spidertron is special in that  he can walk on the walls and he's resistant to grenades and kicks. He sometimes quickly jumps from one wall to another, which makes him a very difficult opponent. His weapons are laser in the forehead/flame breath in the mouth. Also he  can jump on you and crush you as if you were hit by a hammer







one more: illusion robot

Deleted 5 years ago



You have really cool ideas! You are genious!


25 days ago, eh? Time flies.




How about a caltrop dropping bot?


I had an idea! I think it would be better to add a new object. PARALIZING TRAPS.  It looks like a cubic space with a force field. If the player touches this field he will be thrown back like a usual kick but he will be paralyzed for a while, and 2/3 of his energy will be taken from him


Yeah. That sounds awesome not going to lie!


we need a new animal bot, like a frog! Or maybe velociraptors. Or especially a rhino.


I've made a post with rhinobot :)


>Disguise bot/Fleet Analysis Bot 6: This robot can change its appearance by copying the player’s appearance and his allies. If the robot used ability then during a hit on him you will get the same damage and the bot will recover, so you need to wait until he takes his true form  before attacking. Also he uses flame breath like other Fleet Analysis Bots.  For mind transfer  challenge: If your mind transfers into Disguise bot you will have an aim. You have to aim the enemy and press F key to copy his appearance. But this ability takes your energy, so press F key again to stop using this ability.


Great Ideas I'm planing on making a mod including most of the bots suggested by the fans of clone drone if you would allow me to I would love to use your designs in my mod (if you still have them it would be great if you could also give me the files with the designs).


Of course!I will edit my topic and add files soon.




thanks, Gold. I try :)


I got one more. Digger bots! They are hunched over in appearance but can dig into the ground and jump kick you when you least expect it.


Okay. I've already got an idea

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>Portal bot: It's an archer that has two kinds of arrows, which are light blue and yellow, arrow colors change after each shot. These arrows are the same as the fiery ones and they can hit the player. When Portal bot shoots first time the blue portal opens, the second shot opens yellow portal, also he can put portals under himself. The portal opens where the arrow hit.  Also portal size depends on the width of the arrow.  You can navigate through these portals and attacks such as arrow,flame or laser do too.  Portals can be placed on any surface.

Interesting fact: If there is only one portal in the arena it won't work


>Gravity Bot/ Fleet Analysis Bot 7: This robot can change gravity for any robots/make some robots to walk on the walls.  you have to kill him to reset the ability. When using the ability his favourite colour glows blue. Also he uses Flame Breath and jetpack. For Mind Transfer Challenge: 

Aim the robot and press F to use an ability. For each robot, this effect lasts up to 30 seconds. One use takes 2/3 of one energy.

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New kind of robots! These guys have special abilities and they are very cool. BEASTBOTS:

>Jetfly Bot: This robot has a jetpack with which he can FLY, which makes him a very painful opponent. Upgrades: max energy, max bow, fire sword 1, block arrows 2.   For Mind transfer challenge: Press F to activate jetpack and hold E to levitate and Q to go down. This ability slowly takes your energy, so press F again to stop using jetpack.


Jetfly bot (back)

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Jetfly bot's jetpack

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>Spiderbot: This robot  uses glowing threads to pull the player to him. This bot is special in that he tries to kick a player into the traps(saw blades, lava, spikes ect) He hasn't any weapons except threads and kick. Also he can bounce off the walls


>Deadly Scorpion: It's a heavy robot that has guns on his fingers. These guns fire bullets look like sparks from the explosion of Spidertron's bomb. If you have Block arrows you can deflect these bullets. The second weapon is a chest laser. Also he bashes the player with his body. For Mind transfer challenge: Hold F to shoot


Deadly Scorpion (front)


>Rhinobot: It's a rhino-like robot that has some heavy attacks to destroy a human without any problems. Attacks: Bash(kick power), sprint attack(kick, takes energy), cutting horn

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I came up with some ideas for new upgrades:

>Energy recharge 3: You have to spend 5 points to get this upgrade

>Laser: Yes yes, the same laser from the challenge. You can upgrade it after FLAME BREATH. You have to change ability to use the laser. (Watch in "Game controls")

>Flame Raptor: Avaliable after FLAME BREATH. You have to spend 5 points to become a rider. A flame raptor spawns in the armor like in "Last Bot Standing". In the battle If you get off the raptor it will fight itself. If during the battle your raptor dies you have to upgrade it again. But if you leave your raptor in the upgrade room then after victory you won't lose it when switching arena.

>Dodge: With this upgrade you can quickly dodge left or right using the E key with A/D. One dodge takes 1 energy.

>Shield 2: Similar to "Block arrows 3". The value is 3 points

>FROZEN TIME: Avaliable after "Aim time 2". This upgrade gives you ability to FREEZE the time in the game. Only you can move around and attack in the dimension of stopped time. But this ability takes you energy like ENERGY RECHARGE -3 so use this ability wisely. The value is 5 points.

Details: 1) If you shoot from a bow or crossbow In the dimension of frozen time arrows will gradually slow down and stop. Same thing with flame breath

2)In the dimension of frozen time you can use all weapons you have

3)The use of a bow or jetpack will affect the waste of energy

4)To stop using "FROZEN TIME" just equip bow, aim and press RMB or wait until your energy runs out;

>Armor 2: This upgrade gives you an extra armor including helmet, back armor and chestplate. You have to spend 2 points to get this upgrade. Avaliable after ARMOR


Back armor:

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>Samurais: These robots attack the player, while making a dash and swing, which makes them very fast. During reloading samurais move back.   Their weapon is a katana, which can be seen at the beginning of the third chapter of Story Mode

Mark 1: he attacks vertically like MK1 swordman. Upgrades: energy capacity 1

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Samurai Mark 2: He moves like MK 1 swordman, but he has a good recharge and he DODGES if you shoot at him. Also he can attack with jump and dash + can wave horizontally. Upgrades: energy capacity 2, energy recharge 3


Samurai Mark 3: He doesn't dash but he jumps high and his most important weapon is DOUBLE BLADE. This samurai has TWO katanas, his swings are faster than that of ordinary swordsmen

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Some ideas for Level Editor:

1)Water cube: You can swim in the water if you have "FLOAT" but you can't dodge quickly. Also If fire weapons fall into the water or touch it they will go out but if they are out of water they inflame again, so you can't use flame breath in the water

2)Acid cube: An extra hazard from which you can die if you fall into it(how acid works , I told in the description about acid bots)

3)Landmines: These bombs explode if you touch the trigger. Player will be thrown back if a landmine exploded nearby. After the explosion, the fire remains, the duration of the flame can be adjusted.

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Here're some kinds of archers:

>Magnetic Bot: This archer  can repel a player with his chest magnet, which doesn't allow the player to approach him. Also magnet archer shoots at player when he turned his back to him. Upgrades: fire arrow 1, arrow width 200%, energy capacity 3, energy recharge 1


Magnetic Bot(back)

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>Time freezer:

This archer tries to approach the player from behind to use his very dangerous ability named "FROZEN TIME"(Information about this upgrade is written above). When an archer is behind the player you will see only arrows flying at you and "teleportation" of an archer". Upgrades: energy capacity 2, energy recharge 1, fire arrow 1, get up

Interesting fact: Time freezer uses his ability before your eyes if you don’t have "Block arrows" or equiped shield

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>Mark 4 combat hammer bot: Equips hammer if you come close. He attacks dashing but he doesn't do it often. Upgrades: max bow, fire hammer, MK 2 hammer bot size, energy capacity 2, energy recharge 1, get up

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>Mark 3 combat Jetpack Archer : He shoots at you on the long distances and equips spear if you come close. Upgrades: energy capacity 2, energy recharge 2, fire arrow 1, arrow width 200%, max spear, kick, mark 2 get up

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But there are more to come. Made in MagicaVoxel.


Not to be rude but I think you may have converted the models into sound files (or its just my computer if it is sorry for making you check)

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It is impossible. I couldn't convert these files into sound ones. I transferred the VOX files to the archive, so they just can't become sound.

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yea just checked there are 2 types of .vox files so my computer got confused and opened it as a sound vox file instead of a voxel vox file (if you wanna learn more about the vox types it give the link to the article that taught  me about . vox but i fixed it now




I came up with an idea about new challenges which unlock new upgrades for you:

1) 1 energy challenge: You have to complete 20 Endless mode levels with ONE energy to get "Energy recharge 3"

2)Time freeze challenge: You have to complete 14 Endless mode levels only with a bow and "FROZEN TIME" to unlock this upgrade in "Endless Mode". "Kick" will be locked.

3)Endless bow challenge INSANITY: You have to complete 10 hard levels with new enemies only with a bow to unlock "Crossbow".

4)I think that a"Laser" will be a very useful thing for "Endless Mode", so just update "Laser challenge" and complete it to get this weapon.

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>Harpoon Bots: The harpoon is made so that it can not be carried, it's stationary but If you come close harpoon bot will get off or jump off a harpoon equiping sword

Details: the harpoon is a mini spear with a grenade like a Spidertron's one; It faster than usual arrow but slower than crossbow one; One shot takes 2/3 energy

Features: When the harpoon hits the player It explodes and throws the player like a Spidertron grenade. You can deflect harpoon with "block arrows" but not with a shield. If the harpoon hits a shield It stucks in a shield and explodes in 3 seconds but If the player will try to switch weapon the grenade explodes earlier.

Harpoon Bot MK 1: energy capacity 2, sword

Harpoon Bot MK 2: energy capacity 2, sword with unbalance

Harpoon Bot MK 3: energy capacity 2, energy recharge 1, block arrows 3

Harpoon Bot MK 4: energy capacity 2, energy recharge 1, fire harpoon, fire sword 2, explosion power(=kick power)


Harpoon: There're two ways to dismount the machine: 1)Press E to dismount; 2)Spend 2/3 energy to jump up. Just press SPACE key 


Follow this link to download these models: Made in MagicaVoxel

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>Magnetic Bot MK 2: this robot uses his magnet to pull the player to him. If this robot touches the player he picks up the random two upgrades you have and uses them. This ability takes 2 energies. You have to kill him to regain you upgrades.

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>Jetpack archer MK 2: energy capacity 2, energy recharge 2, sword, arrow width 300%

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FINALLY! A NEW PACK OF MODELS NOW AVAILABLE! Follow this link and download!

Made in MagicaVoxel 

P.s Some models are slightly remade and may not match the models in the pictures.

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>MK 6 robots/Neon bots:

>Swordman MK 6: This swordman can't deflect arrows but he has a LASER sword. The advantage of laser sword is that you can't block it, its blade will go through your sword. The damage is the same as the laser of Fleet Overseer.

>Mark 6 combat sniper: this sniper has a blazing hammer and his main advantage is UNBLOCKABLE ARROWS. Upgrades: energy recharge 1, blazing hammer, get up, kick power, crossbow, hammer bot MK 1 size

>Archer MK 6: This archer has unblockable arrows like sniper MK 6 but arrow width is small, also he moves like archer MK 5. Upgrades: energy capacity 3, energy recharge 1, laser arrow, get up

>Pistol Bot:  This robot has two weapons which are grappling hook and pistol which shoots bullets like sparks from grenade explosion. For Mind Transfer Challenge: Press F to use Grappling Hook, one shot takes one energy. Pistol shot takes 1/2 energy. Upgrades: grappling hook, pistol, max energy, get up, kick power

Pistol Bot(left) & MK 6 archer(right) + weapons:


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Here're gonna some extra robots and new versions of snipers:

Fleet Overseer MK 2: max energy, energy recharge 3, max bow, max sword, block arrows 1, laser, grenades

Spearbot MK 5: He attacks dashing and bashes with a shield. Upgrades: energy capacity 3, kick power, max spear, get up

Snipers(MK 1, MK 2, MK 3):


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>Masterbot MK 4: max energy, energy recharge 3, laser, max spear, shield 2, max crossbow, max hammer, kick power, get up



I decided to divide the aquabot into three types and add new sea monsters that you might like too.

Aqua swordman: fire sword 1, energy capacity 2, energy recharge 1, jetpack, get up, float(upgrade gives you jet boots which give you an ability to swim)

Aqua archer: fire arrow 1, arrow width 200%, energy capacity 2, energy recharge 2, jetpack, get up, float

Aqua combat archer: fire arrow 1, arrow width 300%, fire sword 1, energy capacity 2, energy recharge 2, jetpack, get up

Flaming hydra: This monster has 3 heads: Two side heads breathe fire and the central head makes a laser, also it can swim and move around on the land. You can chop off three heads or chop off the backbone to kill it.

>Laser Squid: these robots can only move in water too, they shoot a laser like a laser sharks but they are slower than sharks. The feature of squids is blinding ink, squids spit it out  and swim away if the player comes close. Also you can change skins of sharks and squids    + I changed the shark model.



>"FLOAT" upgrade and new ver. of  "ARMOR II"


I think that you can improve the game by adding the ability to choose any color for your robot

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>Mace Bots: The advantage of mace is that it's unblockable and its swings are faster than that of a hammer but if the mace bot hits the shield you will be unbalanced. When hitting the player gets serious damage.  Also the mace is the new upgrade. You can increase your mace size.

Mace Bot MK 1: he attacks vertically like a MK 1 swordman

Mace Bot MK 2: mace size 1, mark 2 get up, business jetpack bot size

Mace Bot MK 3: mace size 2, get up, MK 1 hammer bot size


Mace Bot MK 4: fire mace, get up, MK 1 hammer bot size

Mace and its sizes:



aren't this same to hammer

Well. I mean that the mace has faster swing than hammer

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>Rapier Bots: the rapier is shorter than the spear but the rapier pokes faster, which makes it a pretty powerful weapon. You can deflect the arrows with rapier if you have "BLOCK ARROWS" but the angle of deflecting will decrease if you equip the rapier.

"RAPIER" upgrade: rapier -  speed poke 1 - speed poke 2


                                       fire rapier 

Rapier Bot MK 1:

Rapier Bot MK 2: speed poke 1, mark 2 get up

Rapier Bot MK 3: speed poke 2, get up, block arrows 3

Rapier Bot MK 4: fire rapier, speed poke 2,  block arrows 3, get up



I think ur should make a mod

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>Lava Sword/Arrow/Spear: the value of each of these  upgrades is 2 points, avaliable after "fire sword 2"/"fire arrow 2"/"fire spear". If you hit the enemy with such a weapon, then it starts to burn as if it touched lava.

Lava swordman: lava sword, block arrows 3, energy capacity 1, attacks dashing

Lava archer: lava arrow, bow, lava sword, energy capacity 2, energy recharge 1, attacks dashing if you come close

Lava sniper(left): lava arrow, max energy

Lava spear bot(right): lava spear, shield, energy capacity 1, attacks dashing

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>Acid swordman and archer(look in previous topics about acid)

Swordman: acid sword, unbalance, get up, block arrows 3

Archer: acid arrow, arrow width 200%, energy capacity 2, get up

New models of acid sniper and acid spear bot

Acid sniper: max energy, acid arrow, arrow width 200%, get up

Acid spear bot: acid spear, shield, get up, energy capacity 1, sometimes moves back and pokes dashing

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I decided to divide ax bot into marks and add ax as upgrade:

>AX>FIRE AX: You can't block arrows but advantages of ax are its length and ability to unbalance your opponents such as swordsmen and spearbots with a shield. 

Ax bot MK 1 + render of ax: mark 1 hammer bot size

Ax bots MK 2 & MK 3

Mark 2: mark 2 hammer bot size, mark 2 get up

Mark 3: mark 3 hammer bot size, fire ax, bow, fire arrow 1, arrow width 200%, energy capacity 2, get up

Jetpack ax bots MK 1 & MK 2

Mark 1: jetpack, mark 1 hammer bot size

Mark 2: jetpack 2, energy capacity 1, fire ax, mark 1 hammer bot size

Ax bot MK 4: get up, ice ax, energy capacity 1, attacks dashing

Download: soon in the last pack

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>New ice bots:

Ice swordman(middle): unbalance, block arrows 3, ice sword, get up

Ice archer stationary(left): bow, energy capacity 1, kick power

Ice combat archer(right): bow, energy capacity 1, ice sword, block arrows 3, get up


Here're some jetpack bots:

Acid jetpack bot: jetpack 2, acid sword

Lava jetpack spearbot: jetpack 2, lava spear

Ice jetpack spearbot: ice spear, shield, jetpack 2

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>"Arrow bounce" upgrade: Avaliable after "Arrow width 300%". After the shot, your arrow can bounce off any surface only once, but this upgrade can be improved, the value is 2 points

Arrow bounce 2: your arrow can bounce off two times

Arrow path: Avaliable after "Arrow bounce 2". Aiming you will see the red path along which the arrow will fly. Also the path will turn green if it touches your enemy

Fire hammer 2: BLAZING HAMMER

Crawl: with this upgrade you can crouch, to do it, press and hold CTRL. I think that the game can be made realistic by adding the ability to hide from robots. I mean that robots will attack you if they notice you. They will also respond to your steps, that's why I added this upgrade.

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Here're some ideas for Level Editor and new robots

>Pterabot: It's a pteranodon-like robot that can fly. He uses a laser beam in the air. Also he will kick you with sprint. For Mind Transfer Challenge: Press F to use a laser, press SHIFT to sprint. Press SPACE to turn on the jets, move your cursor to guide the pterabot. When flying, energy will not be consumed.

Level Editor:

1)I thought about the ability to destroy objects. You can make any object breakable and destroy it like your enemies. You can also make objects movable like the chairs from "Story_assets" folder

2)Drone creator: It is a new mode in which you can build your own enemies. You can create not only a humanoid, but also a beast-like robot, giving it various upgrades.

The carcass will be shown at the beginning that also you can create yourself. And using this carcass you can draw parts of the robot with voxels and make them glowing. You can also program the robot by adjusting the speed of movement, time of energy consumption, etc. + You can load your models from voxel editors such as Magica Voxel or Qubicle.

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New model of Spidertron 10000:

P.s. For Mind transfer challenge: Press F to use a laser/flamebreath, press space to jump highly, press RMB to kick, press E and aim at the wall on which you want to jump or just walk up to the wall to climb on it

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New versions of MK 6 robots(The info about some of these robots is written above):

*MK 6 swordman(blue): laser sword, get up

*MK 6 archer(green): laser arrow, get up, energy capacity 3

*MK 6 combat sniper(purple): blazing hammer, laser arrow, crossbow, get up, energy capacity 3

*Swordmaster(hot pink): laser sword, double blade, get up, block arrows 3

*Pistol Bot MK 6(red): pistol, grappling hook, max energy, get up

*Bot with RC drone(grey): crawl, get up, jetpack 2, RC drone. This robot will hide controlling his flying drone which will attack the human. If you find him he will run away from you. The drone can be destroyed. For mind transfer challenge: 

Press T to transfer your mind into the drone, press SHIFT to sprint, move your cursor to guide the drone, hold F to shoot


Pistol Bots(a concept of pistol is above): The pistol is a new weapon in the upgrade tree. The pistol bullets do the same damage as the sparks from the explosion of a spidertron bomb. The feature of the pistol is that equiping it your energy won't be restored until it is completely run out but when your energy is completely over your pistol reloads in 5 second and the energy is 100%. Also the "Energy recharge" upgrade affects pistol reload: if you have "Recharge 1" pistol reloads in 4 seconds, if you have "Recharge 2", then 3 seconds. One shot takes 1/2 energy

Upgrade: Pistol -> Double Pistols(two pistols!)

                                    -> Accuracy(the pistol shoots more accurately) -> Bullet Spray(when shooting, in addition to the main bullet, another 4 bullets fly out of its barrel, which fly around)

Pistol Bot MK 1(light pink): He doesn’t shoot at long distances. Upgrades: pistol, energy capacity 1

Pistol Bot MK 2:(hot pink): accuracy, energy capacity 2, energy recharge 1, mark 2 get up

Pistol Bot MK 3(light purple): max pistol, energy capacity 2, energy recharge 2, get up, sword, block arrows 3, mark 2 unbalance



I got an idea to add another upgrade, namely a grenade launcher. You can shoot grenades like a spidertron. Hold LMB to aim. One shot takes one energy. This upgrade is available after "Energy capacity 3".  Also, the grenade will be painted in the same color as the human. But this perk will be blocked. You need to complete "Spidertron Challenge". This challenge contains 10 levels, in each of which there will be a spidertrons, and in the last levels you need to defeat SPIDERTRON-10000(The info about this enemy written in the previous topics)


New model of harpoon.


Neon jetpack bots:

MK 1: jetpack, laser sword

MK 2: jetpack 2, laser sword, energy capacity 1

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OH YEAH! It's time to release my FINAL PACK OF MY MODELS. It uncludes all fan-robots and some of them were redesigned. Anyone can download it and use! I hope that some of my ideas will be added to the game.


the download link does not work any more

Oh, really.


U should really make a mod


This stuff is REALLY cool, do you make it on blender?


I made these models in MagicaVoxel.

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It looks like the download link is broken. Do you still have the files somewhere, or are they lost completely?