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Pistol Bots(a concept of pistol is above): The pistol is a new weapon in the upgrade tree. The pistol bullets do the same damage as the sparks from the explosion of a spidertron bomb. The feature of the pistol is that equiping it your energy won't be restored until it is completely run out but when your energy is completely over your pistol reloads in 5 second and the energy is 100%. Also the "Energy recharge" upgrade affects pistol reload: if you have "Recharge 1" pistol reloads in 4 seconds, if you have "Recharge 2", then 3 seconds. One shot takes 1/2 energy

Upgrade: Pistol -> Double Pistols(two pistols!)

                                    -> Accuracy(the pistol shoots more accurately) -> Bullet Spray(when shooting, in addition to the main bullet, another 4 bullets fly out of its barrel, which fly around)

Pistol Bot MK 1(light pink): He doesn’t shoot at long distances. Upgrades: pistol, energy capacity 1

Pistol Bot MK 2:(hot pink): accuracy, energy capacity 2, energy recharge 1, mark 2 get up

Pistol Bot MK 3(light purple): max pistol, energy capacity 2, energy recharge 2, get up, sword, block arrows 3, mark 2 unbalance