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I cant sumbit my game to any game jam

A topic by Recosa created Jul 27, 2019 Views: 218 Replies: 8
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It's been about a week since every time I want to send my game to a jam this gives error and doesn't let me do it

It's possible you were banned due to submitting a game to many unrelated jams. Please contact support and explain the situation. They can check if that's the case, and tell you what to do.

I did it a couple of days ago and they still didn't answer me

Sorry to hear that. Support sometimes has a lot to deal with. If it takes much longer, I can show this to an admin.

I hope you can, the first report I sent 8 days ago and the second 3, and still nothing ...

hey, what happen?


No answer yet, sorry.


Moderator moved this topic to Questions & Support

I'm closing this thread since we got back to your support message. For anyone that sees this: they were banned from jams for spamming their project in jams. You can read more about our quality guidelines here:

Admin archived this topic