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Best game ever - "The Fixies Top Secret"

A topic by DEVGAME_OU created Feb 08, 2019 Views: 978
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Hey, do you know what are the most popular creatures all around the world? Yeah it is Fixies. They are so popular, that there is a whole film dedicated to the life of these little creatures. And now an official 3D game based on "The Fixies. Top Secret" movie is available on!!!

In this game you need to run and search for broken items in the house and fix them all! A great surprise awaits you: play with Simka, Nolik or Verda and change their outfits! Run through all difficulty levels and don't forget to collect bolts!

"The Fixies. Top Secret" is really interesting. You definitely could not stop playing.

So, are you ready to become a hero of a 3D runner game "The Fixies Top Secret"? Let`s go!


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