Hey everyone CODYBROS here. I have recently developed a game known as PROTOTYPE LEVEL which is a 2d game involving the concept of login system, diverse games. Although it is at a prototype stage the game aims to deliver best gameplay experience at its potential to the different players. Here's the link of the game https://codybros.itch.io/prototype-level Additionally being a solo developer not having extensive programming knowledge I would be happy if you share your reviews whether negative or positive and I will try my best as a solo developer to make improvements in the game.
I've poured countless hours into refining and polishing this prototype, ensuring that each element contributes to a cohesive and enjoyable gaming experience. And while it may still be a work in progress, I believe that the effort and dedication put into this project deserve recognition.
By offering this game as a paid prototype, I hope to convey the value of the hard work and time invested in its creation. Your support not only helps me continue to pursue my passion for game development but also encourages further innovation and refinement of this project.
Thank you for considering supporting my journey as an indie game developer. I can't wait for you to experience the fruits of this labor firsthand!