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Unity ( game developer, game animation, game musician , game movie scene , and so on

A topic by Tarique.1 created 69 days ago Views: 496 Replies: 21
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(1 edit) (+8)

I really don't know wear to start . I know that am not the best at what I do but I can make something great.

what can I offer: Game designer, game musician, game director or movie scene and script maker , Ui or GUi , graphics designer  , web designer, logo , image designer, I even got skills in marketing and so on 

My first ever project is : 

So if I put my heart and soul in a project I think it's gonna be great

Can you please help me as a modeler for free.

sure contact mi in discord 


but first can you provide me your discord . mine is stamingo


Can you contact me please via mail

Thank you

Do u have discord, if so contact mi on that

ofcourse, discord - graphium_studio

u add me towi9728

Invite sent

ok talk to me there

hello, you don’t confirm friendship on discord and I can’t write to you there - starki

I accept 

Hi! We are planning to making a simulator game. If you are interested you can contact me via discord : godofbeagle.


We are planning to making a simulator game. If you are interested you can contact me via discord : godofbeagle.

Alr did


If you’re still looking for a team please contact me via discord: jameszitnik 

I can't find u on discord 

Send me your discord. I'll add you
