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suggestion stockpiling (suggestions for VotV)

A topic by zdscbejthsjnh created 79 days ago Views: 1,253 Replies: 21
Viewing posts 1 to 17

post a comment with a suggestion for a feature in VotV and hopefully mrdrnose will read it
heres one of my suggestions

motion detector camera, basically the cameras but it will record a video if it detects something moving, and records for how long it was in frame, kinda like digital camera taking photos but with videos, if you want you can also add a alarm to the camera

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

I'd like the ability to "clip" camera footage, maybe 60 seconds max? (and have them play on the TV)
Similar to how the Digital Camera lets you save photos.


Idk if video recording in game is even possible lol, maybe with a plugin but im not sure. Ill take a look if theres anything like this


Speaking of detection camera - i was planned something similar - a trail cam, that will take photos if something is moving in its FOV. Recording a real video in the game will probably take alot of resources, if its even possible in unreal engine

woah, cool!

i have another suggestion

favorite foods, basically whatever food is eaten the most would be the players favorite food.
they get more hunger points when they eat it, and they hallucinate of it instead of burgers
it is less vulnerable to food tolerance
if you have more ideas to add to it, then feel free to do so



Will there be cutscenes or the voice of the main character in the game?


maybe there could also be more weather events, like the fog we got this update and the rain we usually suffer from.
also maybe there can be seasonal peroids at gamemods like ambience or infinite, just for the fun of it.

new signals that can be cool to see:
* Star: Stephenson-18 (Largest known current star.)
* Star: Beetleguese (Previous largest known star.)
* Black Hole: Sagittarious A. (The blackhole at the center of the milky way.)
* Unknown: Lost signal that was generated back in the middle and early days of the 20th century via radio signal and is now loose in space.
* Object: Voyager 1. (Furthest man-made object, still to this day sends signals to earth and communicating with NASA.)

(5 edits) (+6)(-1)

Just a few more random ideas:

- Optional Graphics Filter: Dithering Effect like on the PS1.

- Optional Graphics Filter: 3D Anaglyph filter to use with 3D glasses!
(red-cyan ; red-blue ; red-green ; ColorCode 3-D ; magenta-cyan)

- CCTV Monitors which can be linked to only 1 specific camera each, you can wall mount them or build a desk/rack for them.

- Stackable Drive Racks (up to 3 on top of eachother)

- Upgradable work desk:
-i.e. being able to build/buy/add railings for the Drive Racks to keep them secured and firm on the desk and they can only be dislodged by the press of a button on the back.
(6 total, 2 left and 2 right from the PC, 1 on the far left and one on the far right end, if possible allow the player to decide the direction of the rails)
- ability to build/buy/add a sort of half dome for the top of the work desk. (maybe with mounting holes for CCTV Monitors, TV, Radio, maybe a mini-radar, etc.)
- cosmetic upgrades, being able to change the materials / looks of the work desk area. (i.e. giving it a wood look like the Atari 2600, or a modern metallic look, retro gaming console look, etc.)

Base upgrade:
- you can build/add a large fish tank to study the fish / super strange water lifeforms you've caught. (also some scary event with drowning, etc.)
- you can build yourself a "Panic Room" that can keep you save if anything happens. (needs to be stocked with food supplies, emergency generator, etc.)

Kerfus upgrade:
- A Kerfus Cat-Bed Recharge Station. Kerfus will automatically recharge when 20% or lower. (purchase, super expensive)
- A KerfusO Billiard Table, when idling KerfusO will play Billiard or the Arcade Machine. (craftable/purchase?)
- A KerfusO Sofa. Will relax and sit on it when idling. (craftable/purchase?)
- Craftable body armour, making Kerfus(O) more durable / immune to certain types of damage.
- Chad KerfusO skin pls. (hidden joke skin, funny setting only)

Shop deco and other items:
- Lava Lamp (all colours & RGB slow colour rotation)
- A Fog Machine (leaves a fog "carpet" in the room it is in)
- Shaved Ice Machine and Ice Cube Tray (with several Syrup flavours, keeps you cool in the summer if you add seasons and temperature later on)
- Hot Chocolate Machine and Comfy Ceramic Mugs (collectible mugs with different motives, secret collectible mug motives)
- Disco Ball (disco lights)
- Plasma Sphere (electrostatically charged if you touch it too often)
- Fridge Magnets (& secret collectible fridge magnet motives)
- Lawn Mover, 1 manual, 1 electric, 1 Lawn Mover Car (mows lawn)
- Sandwich Toaster Machine & Toast & Sliced Cheese.

- Portable Motion Scanner, detects motion within X meters range and can display walls as well. Will only work proper if you stand still, otherwise the display will become slurred with all the environment moving when you move. 360° degree coverage, maybe 1 Radar Section range.

- Similar to the Motion Scanner, a portable Sonar Sensor Device. Sends out a sonar ping in a 90° degree cone in front of you, takes a few seconds to display results, 2 Radar Sections range. 

- Both Motion Scanner and Sonar Sensor should be able to detect different kinds of things.

- Extended Ear (Lauschmikro), a headset that enhances certain sound effects (i.e. footsteps, stuff falling down, etc.) when worn.

- Thermal Vision upgrade for Cameras, Digital Camera, Binoculars, etc.

- Or add separate Thermal Vision Goggles for purchase.

- Paint Cans and different kind of Brushes and Rolls. (all colours, maybe 1 dark and 1 bright palette)

- Spray Cans so you can grafitti and mark spots. (all colours, maybe 1 dark and 1 bright palette)

- Paint traps/grenades. When stepped on they leave footprints / marks.

- Allow rain to slowly wash away dirt and blood outside the map. (including paint)

- Noise traps, craftable. If anyone but you or Kerfus(O) goes past them they will activate and make a loud noise.

- Sitting on a chair slows the Stamina meter decrease by X amount.

- Manual upgrades for the ATV, i.e. cosmetic stuff, being able to give it a paint job, maybe stickers/decals, a trunk upgrade, etc.

- An insect catching net. Become a bug catcher! And keep them as pets in a terrarium.

- A kite that you can craft (and customize like posters/pictures) and let fly, and fasten it on a nail so it keeps flying while you do other things.

- Solar Panels and a Battery Bank (both craftable? buyable?), as emergency power supply.

- A craftable Portable Water Tank for the Pressure Washer.

- Once an item is sold, make its sell value visible to the player.

- Scuba Diver outfit, like the Hazmat Suit, allows breathing underwater for X minutes. Has to be recharged with Oxygen tanks.

- Emergency Swim Vest that you can activate underwater (if worn and drowning) and it will catapult you to the surface.

- Fireproof full body suit. Makes you immune to fire until its durability reaches 0. Makes you extra slow.

- Craftable Slingshot and Pebbles. You can shoot small things like the pebbles, roaches, etc.

- More animals, i.e. Bunnies, Raccoons, Rats and Mice and maybe Bats?

- Animal traps to catch them or even hunt for food.

- Small Bunny House to keep one as pet, etc.

- Events that can interfere with the camera footage, making it show more static, malfunction, freeze frame, etc.

- A water spray bottle, you can fill it up and spray water mist. No special use other than maybe defence against Arirals?

- A craftable chemistry/compounding table where you can create various things. (i.e. Molotov, Herbal Medicine, etc.)

- More buyable items, i.e. 99% Isopropyl Alcohol Bottle (use for crafting & to fix electronic, clean displays), WD-40 (lubrication for doors, anything that moves), Disinfection Spray Bottle, etc.

- Portable Laptop or Tablet with less functions than the PC. (no shop, signal database)

- A Keyring for Keys and Keycards, separate equip slot that holds all your keys and keycards.

- Collectible Key-Chain rings to use on the Keyring. (like the plushy collectibles)

- A craftable Tailoring bench, allows you to craft makeshift gear like a Rugged Backpack (small capacity).
- Allows crafting of makeshift protective gear. (helmet, elbow, knee, hand protectors)
- Allows the repair of shop clothes and protective gear up to a max of 70%. (uses various scrap materials)

- Shop Equipment: Bicycle Helmet, Motorbike Helmet (with visor, changes visibility and hearing, but better protection), Elbow/Knee/Hand Protectors (those you wear then Inline Skating/Skateboarding).
- Can prevent death when crashing with the ATV, or when falling/slipping, etc.
- All the gear comes with 100/100 durability, 99-1 durability full protection, 0 broken and cannot be repaired anymore and no protection.

- A Microscope and Material Collector for purchase. Allows you to gather different kinds of strange materials that you find (organic, fluids, crystals, ores, etc.) and research them under the Microscope. (will show regular stuff, then living bacterias and strange bacterias? microscopic blueprints of things?)
- Upgrade allows it to connect digitally to the PC so you save screenshots of what you are looking at.

- Along with that maybe a Bio-Station that allows you to try and grow cultures of organic materials you've gathered to research them further.

- Moon affecting the tide (ebb & flood) making certain things reachable/unreachable depending on the flood/ebb state.

lil reptillian aliens somewhere in the caves like the sleestak who lived in an underground system


Another small change (maybe?) that I personally would enjoy:

- Change Kurfurs name to Kerfuß.

ß is the German letter "sharp S", the pronounciation wouldn't really change except for the second "U" being pronounced slightly longer.

It would be closer to its original name but also keep you safe from any copyright issues, as it is different enough for that.

And it would have a double Funny:
English players would pronounce it as a B.
Swiss players would feel trolled, because Switzerland doesn't use (or refuses to use) the German "sharp S" letter "ß".

(2 edits)

- It would be cool to interface the digital map with the radar. That way, whatever red pings are on the radar at that given time can be uploaded to the map for future reference. The map could also be cleared or interacted with the radar again to refresh it.

- It's a little clunky to remove items from one storage box (or even pick them up off the ground) just to transfer to another, when the player has limited inventory space. It would be nice if held objects could somehow be stored without needing to constantly open and close inventories. Conversely, removing items from a storage box directly to the ground instead of needing to move them into the inventory first.

Maybe burning wood could have a chance to give the player Charcoal? It would be cool to have something to draw with, and the sponge could be utilized for erasing.

Update TV /Обновление телевизоров:

I like the update, but what about the API for TVs, for example, so that the player can read .m3u8 like regular players that have the function of asking for a link. Or the ability to include this or that video from YouTube by taking only the link from above without trying to catch a direct link to the video file.

Мне нравится обновление, но как насчет API для телевизоров, к примеру что бы плеер мог читать  .m3u8 как обычные плееры в которых есть функция воспроизведения по ссылке. Или возможность включать то или иное видео с Ютуба взяв только ссылку сверху не пытаясь выловить прямую ссылку на видеофайл.

Transformers / Трансформаторы:

What if you replace transformers with generators, do not change models, etc., but add the need to refuel them with fuel like an ATV. With such mechanics, you can come up with improvements or something like increasing the capacity of generators.

Что если заменить трансформаторы на генераторы, не менять модельки и т.д., а добавить необходимость заправлять их горючим как квадроцикл. С такой механикой можно придумать улучшения или еще чего, как на подобии увеличения емкости генераторов.

Идея с генераторами не будет работать без переделки кучи механик, что, я думаю, разрабы делать не захотят. Ты получишь софтлок если у тебя кончилось топливо, деньги, и генераторы вырубились. Не собрать сигналов, не отправить. А учитывая систему автосохранения, которая любит сохранить в самый неподходящий момент, это ещё хуже.

(1 edit)

- Random VHS tapes that can be found on the map with spooky content in them, require a VHS Player to watch. (if clipping camera video footage is possible in the future, allow the VHS to be used to save the footage and rewatch them on TVs?)

- Diskettes and big Floppy's with secret information on them / scary stuff, secrets, etc. that can also be found around the map. Requires an old PC with a 3.5" and 5.25" diskette drive. (and a DOS looking OS)

- Also maybe combine them with signals or special signals, where the drives information has to be copied onto a diskette and then inserted into the old PC to filter out more information.


- A muddy / swamp area with lots of swamp plants and water lily pads and water that has a very short view range. Requires Mud Boots to be able to traverse, otherwise the player will be slowed down and might get stuck. (repeated jumping / hook needed to get unstuck)
Traversing there without Mud Boots increases the Stamina drain. Green/Brownish mist/fog even during daylight.

- Fingerprint Powder & Brush to make stuff visible if you have the feeling that something changed even though you didn't touch anything.
Maybe with a transparent film to copy the fingerprints to the PC.

- A "Déjà vu"-Event, where a certain day repeats over and over until you manage to break through the cycle to the next day. (at midnight it teleports you back fade-in/-out to where you were when it started, with signals, drives, items, money, hunger and stamina also resetting to that point)

-  A Tinfoil Hat to protect yourself from mind probing and mind control and aliens and stuff.

- A Vintage Photo Camera and Photographic Film 35mm and a Darkroom (buildable) to develop the film in. With special chemicals you've researched and compounded, you can make things visible that the Digital Camera can't capture.
Long exposure (tripod) or certain things and places might also reveal something new.

- A Slide Projector, to view the developed films. (with that mechanical & light bulb sound, like in the very first X-Files episode)

- Also the possibility to save digital photos onto film to use them on the Slide Projector.

- Also, allow Custom Films to be created through the assets folder. (put picture into asset folder -> then use same method as putting digital photos on film)

- Colour Filter (round plastic glasses in front of the projector) for the Slide Projector, to filter out certain colours and make anomalies visible.

- Same thing but this time a Vintage Video Camera with 35mm Film (24 FPS) allows you to record videos (handeld) and areas (tripod), as above. (no audio)

- A movie projector for 35mm film. (film roll & light bulb sound when playing the movie)

- A craftable Wooden Stake and Garlic, just in case.

- Honey.

- Ants, Ant Hills.

- UV Light Lamp (handheld and stationary) to reveal liquids and stuff with.

- A Cheese Fondue set.

(2 edits) (+1)

-Seeing drone charge without computer

-Giving getting something else than money when selling a gravity gun

-Option to not get any daily reports so dr.bao wont send you information about daily reports so you can't get fined but also won't get extra money.

(1 edit)

since theres an update in the works, i'm once again alive for more suggestions:
 feel free to modify or edit any of my ideas in any way

-Polarity_direction_pointer, Frequency_direction_pointer, or combine those 2 together into one.
under the replies i'll add an image, but if its not there then i will explain
Below the output data, or offset speed, there would be a new area with text labeled "Direction:", It will have a circle containing an arrow depending on what direction the output data will increase towards, If it appears as a line with no arrows, then it means it is at 100%

-Star cluster, an assortment of various stars, the sound will be multiple distant sounding sounds at once
-planet X, the planet 9 a lot of people have been looking for

-As silly as this may sounds, food scraps, maybe they can be used in cooking or something

-Paint/Spray paint you can use to paint surfaces, cleanable using the sponge
-Portable Tent, take it anywhere outside, put a sleeping bag in, a lamp, and some supplies, and boom portable place to go outside
-Stapler, add paper to notepads, or build notepads, not too big but something appreciateable
-Watering Can, i feel like i'm the only one to have a puffball mushroom farm, basically speeds up proccess of puffballs growing, or puffballs browning, or can water other things too

-more signal events would be nice (i could see booer or zzzuu being one)

other ideas:
-different fax printer sizes (bigger papers for bigger images?? i guess?), and make fax printer use up paper
-more wild animals, for all i know cockroaches cant spawn outside or eat outside, so maybe something like a squirrel 
-something to lower S
-spawnable Specific murderous star-like entity  for the Specific achievement relating to a massive robot for sandbox
-pourable gasoline, so you can pour gasoline and light it on fire, cleanable with sponge or can also despawn over time
-new hallucinations (for low S and stuff like that): footstep that go away when you look in their direction, knocking, screams(?), stuff like hallucination drives that disappear on interaction
-PLEASE add an anti-doxxing/streamer mode setting in the settings that hides your PC user's name on radio/TV
-visible text on paper

updated for whoever wants to see

I am at the part where the yellow things show up, and I sleep all night in the one ventilation room with a sleeping bag and sleep there every night. But since the area has no windows I can't tell whether it is safe outside or not. My suggestion is to add a feature or new item in the shop that works just like the normal camera, but is portable. It would also be nice if it ran on the actual batteries you can buy in the shop because charging it would be annoying. there could also maybe be functionality where you can put in already scanned signals and replay those.