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- A muddy / swamp area with lots of swamp plants and water lily pads and water that has a very short view range. Requires Mud Boots to be able to traverse, otherwise the player will be slowed down and might get stuck. (repeated jumping / hook needed to get unstuck)
Traversing there without Mud Boots increases the Stamina drain. Green/Brownish mist/fog even during daylight.

- Fingerprint Powder & Brush to make stuff visible if you have the feeling that something changed even though you didn't touch anything.
Maybe with a transparent film to copy the fingerprints to the PC.

- A "Déjà vu"-Event, where a certain day repeats over and over until you manage to break through the cycle to the next day. (at midnight it teleports you back fade-in/-out to where you were when it started, with signals, drives, items, money, hunger and stamina also resetting to that point)

-  A Tinfoil Hat to protect yourself from mind probing and mind control and aliens and stuff.

- A Vintage Photo Camera and Photographic Film 35mm and a Darkroom (buildable) to develop the film in. With special chemicals you've researched and compounded, you can make things visible that the Digital Camera can't capture.
Long exposure (tripod) or certain things and places might also reveal something new.

- A Slide Projector, to view the developed films. (with that mechanical & light bulb sound, like in the very first X-Files episode)

- Also the possibility to save digital photos onto film to use them on the Slide Projector.

- Also, allow Custom Films to be created through the assets folder. (put picture into asset folder -> then use same method as putting digital photos on film)

- Colour Filter (round plastic glasses in front of the projector) for the Slide Projector, to filter out certain colours and make anomalies visible.

- Same thing but this time a Vintage Video Camera with 35mm Film (24 FPS) allows you to record videos (handeld) and areas (tripod), as above. (no audio)

- A movie projector for 35mm film. (film roll & light bulb sound when playing the movie)

- A craftable Wooden Stake and Garlic, just in case.

- Honey.

- Ants, Ant Hills.

- UV Light Lamp (handheld and stationary) to reveal liquids and stuff with.

- A Cheese Fondue set.