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(3 edits)

since theres an update in the works, i'm once again alive for more suggestions:
 feel free to modify or edit any of my ideas in any way

-Polarity_direction_pointer, Frequency_direction_pointer, or combine those 2 together into one.
under the replies i'll add an image, but if its not there then i will explain
Below the output data, or offset speed, there would be a new area with text labeled "Direction:", It will have a circle containing an arrow depending on what direction the output data will increase towards, If it appears as a line with no arrows, then it means it is at 100%

-Star cluster, an assortment of various stars, the sound will be multiple distant sounding sounds at once
-planet X, the planet 9 a lot of people have been looking for

-As silly as this may sounds, food scraps, maybe they can be used in cooking or something

-Paint/Spray paint you can use to paint surfaces, cleanable using the sponge
-Portable Tent, take it anywhere outside, put a sleeping bag in, a lamp, and some supplies, and boom portable place to go outside
-Stapler, add paper to notepads, or build notepads, not too big but something appreciateable
-Watering Can, i feel like i'm the only one to have a puffball mushroom farm, basically speeds up proccess of puffballs growing, or puffballs browning, or can water other things too

-more signal events would be nice (i could see booer or zzzuu being one)

other ideas:
-different fax printer sizes (bigger papers for bigger images?? i guess?), and make fax printer use up paper
-more wild animals, for all i know cockroaches cant spawn outside or eat outside, so maybe something like a squirrel 
-something to lower S
-spawnable Specific murderous star-like entity  for the Specific achievement relating to a massive robot for sandbox
-pourable gasoline, so you can pour gasoline and light it on fire, cleanable with sponge or can also despawn over time
-new hallucinations (for low S and stuff like that): footstep that go away when you look in their direction, knocking, screams(?), stuff like hallucination drives that disappear on interaction
-PLEASE add an anti-doxxing/streamer mode setting in the settings that hides your PC user's name on radio/TV
-visible text on paper
-let us disable the omega warning
-gluing and welding for sandbox instead of nails, example: gluing a chair to palete_0 for a sled
-toilet paper roll functionality, maybe toilet paper can also clean stuff?
-hold Z to fast undo

updated for whoever wants to see