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🏰 Use 0x72's Dungeon Tileset (Week Sauce, March 2024)

A topic by Mystery Coconut created 95 days ago Views: 73
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The theme for March on Week Sauce is…

 Make a Game with 0x72's Dungeon Tileset Assets

We thought this month it would be cool for everybody to try and make different types of games with the same asset pack. After some searching through the itch archives, we decided on Robert Norenberg's well-known Dungeon Tileset. Now the fun of this is not to get stuck on making a dungeon crawler roguelike (although if that's your thing, totally go for it!), but to try and be creative with the assets, and try to put them into all kinds of game ideas and genres. 

As you may know Week Sauce is a pretty loose jam though, so yes, you totally can…

  • Mix and match assets from multiple sources.
  • Forget about this asset pack in particular and try to make a game with some other one you prefer.
  • Create your own additions to these assets: new characters, environments, or whatever you fancy.

About that last one, if you want to share your creations so other participants can use them, this month we are adding a forum to our Discord server for you to do just that. If we have enough contributions, at the end of the month we will put together a totally free asset pack with all these, as a gift to 0x72's great community here in

Just remember it is up to you to decide on limitations for your entry. It can go all the way from "I am ONLY gonna use this asset pack and nothing else! I will make a font out of blocky characters!" to "I am just gonna grab these orcs, and put them in a nice farm instead of a dinky dungeon". And as always, you do not need to use the theme at all (it is optional!); we totally accept anything else you make. The goal is to make some tiny games, we don't care about how you go about it! 

About Week Sauce

What's Week Sauce anyway? It is a jam for people that want to participate on game jams but cannot commit to strict dates. It is a very chill, friendly, non-ranked jam, that doesn't have a lot of requirements. You only have to make a game (of any type, tabletop games included) in 7 days, and then publish it. More importantly, you don't need to make it in 7 consecutive days; you can decide what days work for you. You can work in any engines or programming languages, alone or with a team, and even the theme is completely optional. The only important thing here is to support you on developing and posting a very minimal game. It is a very a relaxed jam that hopefully helps you improve your game-making skills or break free of a creative rut.

You can join whether you are new to game development and looking for a no-pressure environment to start, or you just have a lot going on in your life and need a more flexible schedule. Although publishing a game on is not a requirement, we have been hosting jams here every month, and almost all our submissions have been through So…

—Miguel Friginal (@mysterycoconut)