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Mystery Coconut

A member registered Oct 26, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thank you for participating in Week Sauce! Pretty cool project! You may want to add a content warning to the description though. Hope you participate again in the jam!

Thank you for participating in Week Sauce! Great first game! Hard too! Love the pixel art, and the little jump animation, and the music goes well with it. Keep making these!

(1 edit)


Once again the community could not decide, so we got two themes to choose from this month. The themes for August on Week Sauce, voted by our community on Discord, are…

🕙 Time Travel


🌾 Harvest

We accept it all, from wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff, to harvesting crops, organs, or souls, to exploiting the fabric of the time continuum to make your pixel vegetables grow with none of the boring and hardship-related parts of farming. Once more, it is all up to you!

And remember,  if you don't like the themes we totally accept anything else you make for Week Sauce. Let's make some games!

About Week Sauce

What's Week Sauce anyway? It is a jam for people that want to participate on game jams but cannot commit to strict dates or enjoy being judged. It is a very chill, non-ranked jam, that doesn't have a lot of requirements. You only have to make a game (of any type, tabletop games included) in 7 days, and then publish it. More importantly, you don't need to make it in 7 consecutive days; you can decide what days work for you. We also don't care if it turns out to be 8 or 10 days instead of 7. You can work in any engines or programming languages, alone or with a team, and even the theme is completely optional. The only important thing here is to support you on developing and posting a very minimal game. It is a very a chill jam that hopefully helps you improve your game-making skills or break free of a creative rut.

You can join whether you are new to game development and looking for a no-pressure environment to start, or you just have a lot going on in your life and need a more flexible schedule. Although publishing a game on is not a requirement, we have been hosting jams here every month, and almost all our submissions have been through So…

—Miguel Friginal (@mysterycoconut)

(1 edit)

Welcome to another Week Sauce game jam

If it is your first time joining us, you should know Week Sauce is not really a monthly jam, but more of a work on a project for a few days without stressing about schedules” deal. We are all about having a good time while working on our games, so there is no competition, we are very loose with deadlines (just get in touch if you finish your project after the end of the month), and even looser on judging your work (as in, we will not). Participate, join our Discord to talk with us about your project, ask for help if you need it, and offer advice and cheer other participants. 

Week Sauce is also a super friendly international community, open to people of all ages and levels of experience that just want to have a good supportive environment to work on their little creations, so if you know of somebody that would benefit from that, send them our way!

Anyway, every month the community in our Discord server votes for a (totally optional) theme, in case you need help getting the creative juices going. For August two different themes tied for first place, so as usual when this happens (that by the way, is way more often than I ever thought possible), you can use one, the other, both, or none. The themes are…

🕙 Time Travel


🌾 Harvest

Is your game about a blue police box with a penchant to always appear right before an apocalyptic situation develops? Is it about an apprentice grim reaper harvesting not-so-willing souls? Or about the dangerous paradoxes in crop rotation that emerge when you keep accelerating and decelerating time around your Farm Village? As always, it is up to you! And hey, if you don't feel inspired by this theme, remember that it is totally optional! The jam accepts everything and anything you make.

As always, thanks for joining us, and have fun!  
—Miguel Friginal

You can submit the Mac version, we do not require games to be playable on Windows. 

Your submission has been disqualified. As stated in the jam's page, "your game must be created during the jam and for this jam only; if you created it or submitted it to a different jam, please don't re-submit it to Week Sauce." Feel free to submit a different game created for our jam, and thank you for your interest.

Thanks for participating in Week Sauce! Great game! I love how it fits the theme of "Puppet Master" by having one player advice the other. Amazing concept and really atmospheric setting. Hope you all participate again. Cheers!

(2 edits)

Welcome to another Week Sauce game jam

If it is your first time joining us, you should know Week Sauce is not really a monthly jam, but more of a work on a project for a few days without stressing about schedules” deal. We are all about having a good time while working on our games, so there is no competition, we are very loose with deadlines (just get in touch if you finish your project after the end of the month), and even looser on judging your work (as in, we will not). Participate, join our Discord to talk with us about your project, ask for help if you need it, and offer advice and cheer other participants. 

Week Sauce is also a super friendly international community, open to people of all ages and levels of experience that just want to have a good supportive environment to work on their little creations, so if you know of somebody that would benefit from that, send them our way!

Anyway, every month the community in our Discord server votes for a (totally optional) theme, in case you need help getting the creative juices going. For July the poll was really close between 2 options, so we decided to allow both! They are…

👻 Rulebook for the Recently Deceased


↩️ Return to Base

Is your game about helping little spectral characters survive in the draconian afterlife, or about learning their ways to hunt them down? Is your game about a hunter/gatherer tribe trying to fix up their village, or about space marines in an alien planet trying to get back to their drop point? As always, it is up to you! And hey, if you don't feel inspired by this theme, remember that it is totally optional! The jam accepts everything and anything you make.

As always, thanks for joining us, and have fun! 
—Miguel Friginal

Hey, thanks for participating in Week Sauce. Could you make sure to click the checkbox for Windows executable in your game's itch submission, so it can be installed from the official itch app? Thank you!

(1 edit)

Voting for the jam's theme is happening right now on Discord. The options this month are…

↩️ Return to Base
⚙️ The Real Purpose of Ancient Puzzle Rooms
🏎️ Speed Demons
👻 Rulebook for the Recently Deceased
🥧 Mice, Bards, and Pie 

 Join the Week Sauce Discord server, and go to the #announcements channel to vote. 

Of course! Tabletop games totally work, if you can provide a print and play, or instructions or similar. As we say in the official site, "The jam is not only for digital games! Board games, card games, role-playing games… anything you consider a game works."

Thanks for participating in Week Sauce! I could not figure out how to go from the Level Completed screen back to the Level Select screen.


The theme for June on Week Sauce, voted by our community on Discord, is…

🎎 Puppet Master

We accept it all, from traditional Punch and Judy shows, to the more furry creatures favored by Jim Henson fans, from manipulative mustache twirling masterminds, to more or less active rag dolls, games inspired by Metallica albums, or by dubious horror movie series from the 90s. Once more, it is all up to you!

And remember,  if you don't like the theme we totally accept anything else you make for Week Sauce. Let's make some games!

About Week Sauce

What's Week Sauce anyway? It is a jam for people that want to participate on game jams but cannot commit to strict dates or enjoy being judged. It is a very chill, non-ranked jam, that doesn't have a lot of requirements. You only have to make a game (of any type, tabletop games included) in 7 days, and then publish it. More importantly, you don't need to make it in 7 consecutive days; you can decide what days work for you. We also don't care if it turns out to be 8 or 10 days instead of 7. You can work in any engines or programming languages, alone or with a team, and even the theme is completely optional. The only important thing here is to support you on developing and posting a very minimal game. It is a very a chill jam that hopefully helps you improve your game-making skills or break free of a creative rut.

You can join whether you are new to game development and looking for a no-pressure environment to start, or you just have a lot going on in your life and need a more flexible schedule. Although publishing a game on is not a requirement, we have been hosting jams here every month, and almost all our submissions have been through So…

—Miguel Friginal (@mysterycoconut)

Your submission has been disqualified. As stated in the jam's page, "your game must be created during the jam and for this jam only; if you created it or submitted it to a different jam, please don't re-submit it to Week Sauce." Feel free to submit a different game created for our jam, and thank you for your interest.

Welcome to another Week Sauce game jam

If it is your first time joining us, you should know Week Sauce is not really a monthly jam, but more of a work on a project for a few days without stressing about schedules” deal. We are all about having a good time while working on our games, so there is no competition, we are very loose with deadlines (just get in touch if you finish your project after the end of the month), and even looser on judging your work (as in, we will not). Participate, join our Discord to talk with us about your project, ask for help if you need it, and offer advice and cheer other participants. 

Week Sauce is also a super friendly international community, open to people of all ages and levels of experience that just want to have a good supportive environment to work on their little creations, so if you know of somebody that would benefit from that, send them our way!

Anyway, every month the community in our Discord server votes for a (totally optional) theme, in case you need help getting the creative juices going. For June, we decided to go for with…

🎎 Puppet Master

Is this about some devious manipulative scheme, with plenty of twirling mustaches? Or is it about ragdolls being treated poorly as usual? It is up to you, but I really hope to see some good muppets. And hey, if you don't feel inspired by this theme, remember that it is totally optional! **The jam accepts everything and anything you make.**

As always, thanks for joining us, and have fun! 
—Miguel Friginal

Your submission has been disqualified. As stated in the jam's page, "your game must be created during the jam and for this jam only; if you created it or submitted it to a different jam, please don't re-submit it to Week Sauce." Feel free to submit a different game created for our jam, and thank you for your interest.

Your submission has been disqualified. As stated in the jam's page, "your game must be created during the jam and for this jam only; if you created it or submitted it to a different jam, please don't re-submit it to Week Sauce." Feel free to submit a different game created for our jam, and thank you for your interest.

(1 edit)

Voting for the jam's theme is happening right now on Discord. Join the Week Sauce Discord server, and go to the #announcements channel to vote.

Update: Voting is done! See Welcome and THEME of the month

This game is hilarious, thanks so much for participating in Week Sauce!

Not a problem! Feel free to join again anytime you want, we have the jam running all the time (you can find the latest one at ). We also love hearing about, and helping people with, their game making on our Discord, if you feel like joining. Cheers!

(1 edit)


The theme for May on Week Sauce is…

🤖 Drones, Not Evil After All! 😈

Once again our community on Discord could not vote for just one theme, so we ended up combining 2 of them into this clearly superior, but not bent on global domination, theme. 

What drones are we talking about anyway? Are these Borg drones, but their collective is more about assimilating pastries on Sundays? AI cyborgs fighting not to enslave humans, but to liberate them from boredom with some stand-up comedy? The flying kind, trying hard not to misdeliver your packages? Or the monotonous hum of the most boring professor ever, putting some invading inter-dimensional horrors to sleep? It is again up to you!

And remember,  if you don't like the theme we totally accept anything else you make for Week Sauce. Let's make some games!

About Week Sauce

What's Week Sauce anyway? It is a jam for people that want to participate on game jams but cannot commit to strict dates or enjoy being judged. It is a very chill, non-ranked jam, that doesn't have a lot of requirements. You only have to make a game (of any type, tabletop games included) in 7 days, and then publish it. More importantly, you don't need to make it in 7 consecutive days; you can decide what days work for you. We also don't care if it turns out to be 8 or 10 days instead of 7. You can work in any engines or programming languages, alone or with a team, and even the theme is completely optional. The only important thing here is to support you on developing and posting a very minimal game. It is a very a chill jam that hopefully helps you improve your game-making skills or break free of a creative rut.

You can join whether you are new to game development and looking for a no-pressure environment to start, or you just have a lot going on in your life and need a more flexible schedule. Although publishing a game on is not a requirement, we have been hosting jams here every month, and almost all our submissions have been through So…

—Miguel Friginal (@mysterycoconut)

Welcome to another Week Sauce game jam

If it is your first time joining us, you should know Week Sauce is not really a monthly jam, but more of a work on a project for a few days without stressing about schedules” deal. We are all about having a good time while working on our games, so there is no competition, we are very loose with deadlines (just get in touch if you finish your project after the end of the month), and even looser on judging your work (as in, we will not). Participate, join our Discord to talk with us about your project, ask for help if you need it, and offer advice and cheer other participants. 

Week Sauce is also a super friendly international community, open to people of all ages and levels of experience that just want to have a good supportive environment to work on their little creations, so if you know of somebody that would benefit from that, send them our way!

Anyway, every month the community in our Discord server votes for a (totally optional) theme, in case you need help getting the creative juices going. For May, once again, we had a tie! So instead of giving you 2 different themes to choose from, we decided on combining them. Yeah, that's why this one ended up a bit out there 😆 Get ready for…

🤖 Drones, Not Evil After All! 😈

Are this Borg drones, but their collective is more about assimilating pastries on Sundays? AI cyborgs fighting not to enslave humans, but to liberate them from boredom? The flying kind, trying hard not to misdeliver your packages? Whatever they are, and whatever they are up to, we want to hear about it! And hey, if you don't feel inspired by this theme (!!!), remember that it is totally optional! **The jam accepts everything and anything you make.**

As always, thanks for joining us, and have fun!
—Miguel Friginal