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Thoughts on possible immortality for MC (Semi-Spoiler)

A topic by Corbenix created Feb 09, 2024 Views: 935 Replies: 11
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So I was going through another playthrough and this scene (pictured) stuck out to me. This seems to be in line with pleasing the gods, with how balanced the realm is running, to (maybe) eventually grant you a wish or desire (whether its Asterion's freedom, or your eternal life with him). Any thoughts?

in the ruthless route mc drinks a potion of immortality, but it turns out that is poisonous to mortals. even the gods seem to be expiring, and asterion is technically not really alive. i doubt immortality can be achievable without a catch to it, and also is not a really good way to end things. no story that includes immortality ever goes well for the immortals.

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Ive only played the ruthless route once. Wasn't that a fail safe elixir for tyrant rulers of the realm? 

The only immortal knowledge that I have is things like Dracula, Lord of the Rings, Twilight, True Blood, Vamp. Diaries. Etc. So I'm inclined to believe you on that, but that doesn't mean it can't be for MC and Asterion. I think peace in the realm is very achievable (as long as the old gods have actually died out other than Hades) and as long as we go on this quest without some casualties or maiming involved. Neither the MC nor Asterion truly desire a tyrannical rule of the realm (barring the Ruthless Route),

(Edit) This is still speculation and theory crafting but, I feel Hades out of all the Olympian's has the best chance of never fading away, due to his subjects actually being there and still giving him reverence in his realm. His power seem to differ from the rest of the hierarchy on Olympus. Maybe there is loop hole or even a surprise communication from the benevolent under lord instructing our cast further if Hermes doesn't survive the ordeal of waiting for the Ichor.

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Technically since we know for sure that the afterlife does exist in the MinoHotel universe the MC, like Asterion, has an immortal soul so they can be together forever in the Elysian Fields.

Edit: although an apotheosis ending sounds intriguing too...

That sounds highly reasonable as well. Asterion finally getting his long awaited rest (even though he does enjoy his vision of the hotel). Only drawback I could see with him and the MC living on in Hades, is the hotel would more than likely cease to exist after Asterion passes from the living realm. I'm under the assumption it's existence is tied to him perpetually. 

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maybe not, the labyrinth was created to hold many more children of poseidon as prisoners, but athena got foiled on that. also the realm stays there even when asterion moves away in some of the ruthless endings. the question is if the hotel can be kept running if the realm doesn't have a master, or if there can be a master if there are no prisoners.

however, considering hermes request, it's quite possible you might destroy the realm inadvertly. but it could be just one of many endings there will be.

True! This is quite the food for thought to chew on. I can't imagine how the writers are going to go about this, but i believe in them.

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Eu estava pensando... Seria possível encontrar alguma maneira do Asterion fazer a sua própria escolha? Tipo... depois de todos esses anos sendo prisioneiro, sofrendo sobre a vontade de todos, e mesmo com o nosso reinado sendo o mais próximo de liberdade que ele já experimentou, pelo menos na rota pacifista... Não seria melhor passar o controle do próprio destino pra ele? Eu já fiquei algum tempo pensando qual opção seria melhor, pedir ele pra continuar cuidando do Hotel como quiser pela eternidade? Mandar a alma dele para o Reino de Hades? Conseguir um final Romeu e Julieta onde nos apagamos da existência?

Eu simplesmente não sei o que fazer com ele, eu tenho o sentimento que é muito cruel pedir pra ele continuar vivendo, então a opção que eu me vejo escolhendo é não tomar uma opção, deixar ele decidir. Eu vou tentar ficar satisfeito com qualquer opção que Asterion escolher para si, com a sua própria liberdade em Mãos. 

Espero que o Google Translate acerte tudo para nós dois, haha.  Não acho cruel que Asterion queira continuar com a missão do Hotel. Ele disse que nunca se sentiu assim em todo o seu tempo de vida, e o mais próximo foi seu tempo com Hades. Ele definitivamente fez sua escolha ao escolher o jogador, já que não há como contornar o contrato de liberdade definitiva (até agora). Vendo também como ele não pode ser morto enquanto o contrato dos deuses estiver em vigor, apenas o jogador seria morto por um ato como Romeu e Julieta, ele morreria e voltaria com o coração partido (como mostra a rota implacável) .  Administrar o Hotel (juntos) é o que ele sonhou e seu desejo é revelado no Capítulo 19.

existe a possibilidade de não haver nenhuma escolha. o poder dos deuses se provou finito, o mesmo pode acontecer com o hotel e asterion. seria bem temático com as mecânicas de que não teremos tempo para um final perfeito. não que seja certo que vai ser assim, eu apenas estou tentando interpretar o que a missão de hermes pode significar para a narrativa, quais os possíveis impactos

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(Spoilers) During the call and the deal with Hermes we knew about the Ichor (Olymipan blood) that was used as an ink to make the Hotel, and aside from the one we will give Hermes to regain his sanity we're having I guess 6 drops to negotiate. I think that in case the negotiations go south their is noting stoping the MC from using that same ichor to grant himself a wish by adding a new section to the Original contact of the Hotel.

*If it's Asterion's freedom he wants it might be a bit complicated to do because if a contradiction happens in a contract built by ichor it might a bit dangerous and might endanger the basic functions of the Hotel (generate food ...etc) by causing a sort of paradox. But allowing Asterion to leave the Hotel and see the outside world seems doable.

*If it's an eternal life alongside Asterion, this might be easy to make. I think that if the Mc was to make a contract stating that idk he wants to become immortal to be Asterion's torturor in order to aphold the Labyrinth's mission and please the gods for eternity, the Hotel might accept this contract and since it's ichor we are talking about, immortality is attainable. Then he just has to keep on treating Asterion the same way he did up until now. (Personnaly I don't like how this contract sounds but in order to trick the Hotel it has to sort of agree with the Master's mission)

Good points.

I never thought about using the blood in that manner.  The MC could add an addendum to the rules with god blood, and save the remaining Olympians that haven't died or gone mad. 

I'm psyched to see how this goes (along with Luke's story)