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Looking for a game jam partner

A topic by Eddie MacCready created Oct 13, 2023 Views: 200 Replies: 4
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(1 edit)

Hello all!  I'm a Game Developer, and I'm hoping to participate in the upcoming, month-long Metroidvania game jam hosted by falcon nova, running from Nov 15-Dec 15.  I'm confident with programming and level design, but I'm hoping to find an artist who'd like to team up.  Of course if our skills overlap a bit, that's cool too!  We can always divide up the work.  Also, it would be great to have someone else to brainstorm and bounce ideas off through the process!

Does anyone have any interest?  We can chat more if you're interested, just let me know!

Hey! I am a composer and artist. What kind of Metroidvania are you interested in making?

Hey there, thanks for the response but I actually found a team already.  Perhaps we can do something next time!

Are you looking for another developer?

Hey, thanks to you as well, but I did find a team already.  Perhaps we can do something next time!