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Jam validation duration?

A topic by Zirk created Oct 12, 2023 Views: 202 Replies: 5
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With a friend we decided to host a jam on itch, we created it 6 days ago and it’s supposed to start in 8 days, however it’s still not appearing on the jam calendar yet (so I guess it’s still waiting for some approval)

We probably should have created the jam with more time in front of us but now I’m also a bit worried if it’ll appear in time because well we are probably loosing a lot of visibility with the jam not being there

Is there some information on how long the process usually take or something along these lines? Or just in case, did we miss some important steps? We have 2 people that joined from the direct link and it’s marked as “published” so I think we are good from that side?

Thanks in advance

Yeah! We don't mean to be impatient or pushy either, just trying to understand the admin queue and flow a bit better ☺️


Nevermind 😂, seems like we are actually on the calendar... what timing!

Admin (1 edit) (+2)

To prevent spamming, accounts that are new to hosting jams must have their jam pages reviewed before they are eligible to appear in the calendar. The page is otherwise fully functional, and you should promote the page as normal. In fact, getting your community to join can help it get reviewed faster.

Although the jam calendar might help bring visibility to your jam, typically a jam with few participants isn’t going to magically pull in a lot of more participants just because it’s on the calendar. You’re competing with limited space for many other jams. So I don’t recommend the jam calendar as your only means of promotion.

Hope that helps

Thanks for the info!

We are pretty new in jam hosting so these are very valuable, we are already advertising it on some others websites but I guess we will need to do a bit more of that!

Tyty leafo 🙇‍♂️ very much so! We definitely aren't leaning on the calendar for promotion, but we do appreciate the sating of our curiosity around the process.

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