Hi everyone! I recently started my asset pack journey here on itch just over a week ago and have had some success with my first asset pack Pixel Spaces, at least considering my current status here.
As of the past few days it's been getting consistent large views and downloads but majority of the downloads are from the free/demo pack and not the paid one. The free pack only contains a tiny portion of the entire asset pack. My asset pack is priced at 15$.
I am interested in knowing how much you guys are willing to pay for the kind of asset pack I am creating. For context, my justification for selecting the base price is:
- Tons of assets & tileset (500+ assets as of now). All assets are separated into individual png & spritesheet/tileset forms.
- I consider it high quality work with consistent artstyle
- Regular updates that brings new assets to paid owners
- Paid owners have the freedom to request specific assets
I noticed that some asset packs that seem similar to my asset pack's theme (like Modern Exteriors) are priced significantly lower, which really surprises me because I can't see myself valuing my work that low. But perhaps that is the way in this industry? Or perhaps they already have an established audience and can easily get hundreds of paying users. I would say the lowest I can go is 12$. How much would you pay for my asset pack?