Hello everyone! This game has been up a while on Gamejolt, but I though I would add it to itch.io as well.
The game is still in development and I am always looking for feedback : D
How you enjoyed the early access version!
Hi! Gave it a go. It looks gorgeous! I'm a little confused though. I get that you have the weapons that reduce armor and the ones that reduce health but is there no way to dual wield them so that you have an armor gun in one hand and a health gun in the other? I seem to remember you could do that in the old builds - manually swapping between weapons all the time seems a little cumbersome.
It is going to look even better when we got our custom textures in there along with some other visual tune ups we are working on.
You can't duel wield weapons, except that the sword is always available to you on the right click, so you always have a way to take out weakened enemies ' the smash attack is also very useful for this - you just need to get close to them : P
Q allows you to quick-swap between two weapons. We have tried to make it as possible to do so in combat.
This game looks incredible. I really dig the style you have going on here.
WhiteBatAudio (?) music is amazing - I plan to use some of his tracks too. I found the transition between fight music and non fight music a little jarring.
I didn't bother reading any of text explaining the game to me. Not sure why... it was kind of washed out by the game.
I didn't quite understand the bullettime/hitstop mechanic when you kill an opponent. It was also jarring and didn't convey a sense of impact or a window of opportunity. I think it's because the player's movement stops suddenly.
Keep going I think you have something special in the making.
We completely agree with you on the weapon swapping needing to be improved. Mostly the state of it is because of legacy issues from the projects early beginnings. Moving forward it will be rebuilt.
Enemies will miss you depending on you speed, but this mechanic can be made clearer.
The moon jumping is by design, but will be tinkered with after feedback.
Thanks for the feedback. Stay tuned, Diluvian Ultra has just started its evolution : P
I see a lot of potential in this, so much so that I made an itch.io account just so I could post feedback about it.
The first thing I wanted to say was that switching between weapons is a bit too slow and has screwed me over a few times (swapping in the middle of combat from an armor-depleting weapon to a health-depleting one is essential for defeating most of the enemies in the demo anyway, so this could really use tinkering.) However, I think it's a nice touch that you can always melee which makes this a bit less of a problem. It is still a pretty large one either way.
Secondly I think the knight-esque looking enemy who shoots hitscanning lasers is a bit too much of a nuisance. Like the other user mentioned, he ends up hitting you regardless of mobility (mostly). A solution would be making the laser less accurate and the laser windup lower. When there's a room full of these guys I ended up depleting my armor pretty quick simply because there's lasers allover the place. It does make them a priority target and they are easy to take down, but paired with the hectic nature of the other enemies it can get a little frustrating.
I'm a huge fan of everything else though. I love the movement in the game and the armor/health type weapons system is very interesting. Good luck with this in the future