I am starting a school project and need to make use of the A* pathfinding alg in unity. I have to code it manually and do not know where to start, does anyone have any help or advice??
The way I handled this was to only create nodes as the algorithm went. The tilemap was your usual multi-dimensional array (as I assume yours is), and only when added to the open set was a tile turned into a graph vertex. This way, the graph is always as small as it needs to be for the algorithm to work.
With a tilemap you have no need to store an entire graph data structure, because the tilemap has a clear pattern. For instance, the for each neighbor of current
part of Wikipedia’s pseudocode is as simple as indexing to the neighboring tiles of the tilemap ((x - 1, y), (x + 1, y), (x, y - 1), (x, y + 1), etc.)
The heuristic function can just be the straight-line distance to the target tile.
I have example code, but it is in C, is 3D, and it’s my C code, which makes it naturally a mess. Not sure if you’d like to see it.
A star in a tile map? That's unusual... Is it a square tile? Hexa-tile?
If the tile map is empty then the optimal path is always a straight line, if not then you should build your graph out of the walkable tiles.
So, accessing the neighbors works by converting or at least treating the tiles like nodes. For instance, if we're talking square tiles, and your tile in question has a "wall" just below it, then this tile has a list of 3 neighbors, one on each side and one right above it. You will have to do that iteratively, generating a list of neighbors for each tile/node (it may be inefficient but good enough for a school work), for all your tiles in the map before you run the A star, got it?
struct PathPoint {
// Node position
int16_t x, z, y;
// Parent node position
int16_t pX, pZ, pY;
static int cmpeq(struct PathPoint a, struct PathPoint b) {
return a.x == b.x && a.z == b.z && a.y == b.y;
// This function checks if the node is free (1 = free)
static int walk(struct PathPoint p, int dx, int dy, struct PathPoint *ret) {
p.pX = p.x, p.pZ = p.z, p.pY = p.y;
p.x += dx, p.y += dy;
*ret = p;
// Clearly it must be in-bounds
if(p.x >= 0 && p.x < game_W && p.y >= 0 && p.y < game_H) {
// Game-specific logic here to determine which tiles can be walked on
return 1;
} else return 0;
// My game was 3D so this made entities fall downwards
size_t ind = GAME_POINTTOINDEX(p.x, p.z, p.y);
while(!game_Map[ind] && ret->z > 0) {
ind -= game_H;
if(game_Map[ind]) ret->z++;
return 1;
// Returns index if exists, else -1
static int in_list(struct PathPoint p, struct PathPoint *list, size_t listLength) {
for(size_t i = 0; i < listLength; i++) {
if(cmpeq(list[i], p)) return i;
return -1;
// My heuristic function (chess distance)
static uint32_t chessdist(struct PathPoint a, struct PathPoint b) {
return max32(max32(abs32(a.x - b.x), abs32(a.y - b.y)), abs32(a.z - b.z));
size_t pathfind(struct PathPoint start, struct PathPoint end, struct PathPoint **result) {
// List of open nodes, in order from least to most costly
size_t openCount = 1;
struct PathPoint *open = malloc(sizeof(*open));
*open = start;
size_t closedCount = 0;
struct PathPoint *closed = NULL;
while(openCount) {
// Get first (least costly) node from open set
struct PathPoint p = open[0];
memmove(open, open + 1, sizeof(*open) * --openCount);
closed = realloc(closed, sizeof(*closed) * ++closedCount);
closed[closedCount - 1] = p;
if(cmpeq(p, end)) { // If p == end (we've found a path, now return it)
size_t padhCount = 1;
struct PathPoint *padh = malloc(sizeof(*padh) * padhCount);
padh[0] = p; // Starting with p (not end cause p has proper parent information)
// Go back through all the parent information to reconstruct the path
do {
int idx = in_list((struct PathPoint) {.x = padh->pX, .y = padh->pY, .z = padh->pZ}, closed, closedCount);
padh = realloc(padh, sizeof(*padh) * (padhCount + 1));
memmove(padh + 1, padh, sizeof(*padh) * padhCount++);
*padh = closed[idx];
} while(!cmpeq(*padh, start));
*result = padh;
return padhCount;
// Try all eight neighbours
struct PathPoint candidate;
for(int dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) {
for(int dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++) {
if(walk(p, dx, dy, &candidate) && in_list(candidate, closed, closedCount) == -1) {
// We can walk here!
candidate.cost += chessdist(candidate, end); // Apply heuristic
// No point in adding to the open list if it is already there
int openListID = in_list(candidate, open, openCount);
if(openListID == -1) {
// Add to the open list
// Find the correct index to keep it sorted
int i;
for(i = 0; i < openCount; i++) {
if(open[i].cost > candidate.cost) {
open = realloc(open, sizeof(*open) * ++openCount);
memmove(&open[i + 1], &open[i], sizeof(*open) * (openCount - i - 1));
open[i] = candidate;
} else {
// Update parent information if we've found a shorter path to this node
if(candidate.cost < open[openListID].cost) {
open[openListID].cost = candidate.cost;
open[openListID].pX = p.x;
open[openListID].pZ = p.z;
open[openListID].pY = p.y;
*result = NULL;
return 1;
I’ve added comments, but if I’m honest this isn’t much different to the pseudocode in Wikipedia.
From a C perspective there’s plenty of room for optimization, but it works. In C# there’s almost certainly an automatic sorted list/set or priority queue class in the standard library.
Forget the abstract concept of “nodes”. You’re using tiles, so just think of them like that.
You need a set of “open tiles” and “closed tiles”, and both kinds hold the position of said tile, the position of its parent tile, and the cost of getting to that tile.
When the algorithm starts, your open tile set contains the starting point. After that the algorithm will naturally expand outwards by querying neighboring tiles, which are very easy to find on a tilemap.