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Easy FPS Editor v1.6

Simple way to create an old-school First Person Shooter! · By JessicoChan

problem with flashlight

A topic by ota11 created May 10, 2023 Views: 196 Replies: 6
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problem with flashlight, it's not a circle, but it shines strangely on the ground and on the ceiling

try turning on and off per pixel lighting the game's settings, see if it makes a difference?

i dunno just a thought. i never use flashlight in my projects.

I found out that this is an error in the editor, when the game is built, the flashlight works normally

Uh, what? It's not an error in editor, you just set a low lighting quality.

and what exactly do you have in mind? when I create the game (build game), the settings are the same as in the editor, only it does not display like this in the editor

When you creating a game, it also creates a new config file.


You have perpixel lighting disabled. Either that or shader file is broken.

Can't say for sure without seeing the project folder and config file