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A topic by dev palmer created Apr 22, 2023 Views: 2,136 Replies: 39
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Replacement for the usual itch comment section

(1 edit)

Do you have plans to import it to Linux?
I really want to play it T^T


Unfortunately I’m limited by by RPGmaker VX Ace’s export options so a native Linux port is outside my abilities atm. You might be able to find some hacky workarounds to run it though! This person on Reddit was able to run a PC VX Ace game on linux via their Steam library:


This was completely amazing. I hope everyone plays it, it really feels like the next big classic rpgmaker game.



Would you be so kind as to create a guide to getting the secrets in the game?



If I reveal all the secrets, they won’t be secrets anymore! You’ll have to collaborate with your fellow players to find them if you’re interested.


If anyone makes any guides, subreddits, public discord servers, etc for secret-sleuthing though, feel free to send them my way and I’ll pin them to the top of this forum!


Hi dev palmer,

I'm no genius, but I have theories: 

  1. there are no secrets related to the code in the game. ie there no files I can delete/edit that can change in-game outcomes/events. But, I think there is a way to "decipher" the glitched text and the answer is in the game files (which I have found). I just don't know how to do it lol!
  2. hence, the secrets themselves are how to achieve the multiple endings in the game (which I have found). 

Nevertheless cool game!


Since you can easily edit the game's files, I just made a copy of "game\re_curse\Graphics\SFonts\slightglitch_SFont.png" and renamed it to replace "glitch_SFont.png" in the same folder in order to decipher all of that.



congrats for making an amazing game and experience!!!! it's very inspiring to see a finished passion project with such great polish and vision, i'm very happy to have played this and i'll shill for it to all who'll listen!!


and also, it's very inspiring to be able to access the assets, especially (to me) the text documents, as those are what i have the most difficulty with when i attempt my own projects!! it's really kind of you to have uploaded the bonus folder and i hope it becomes a more common practice!! idk how to express this but i'm just very thankful to be able to peek inside the assets without any datamining expertise jfdfngjdfng


also your poetry's really really good. just great job all around


Thank you so much for this, this comment made my day honestly! And I’m really glad you enjoyed the archive, making a game just creates so much persistent data ~stuff~ that I thought it would be a shame not to part the curtain a little for anyone going through the same process. 💛


I started to play the game and so far, I love it. The art style is very cute, and the dialogue is quite funny. Great Job!


ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! This was so fun to play


any way of playing the game in full screen? it shows n something like 240p


Press F6 to change screen ratio and F5 for fullscreen mode!

I loved playing this! :3 the bonus content in the folder after finishing the game was really cool to look at!

I absolutely loved this game!

I really like everything about this game, specially the tubes...

This is so insane!! really wonderful work im so impressed

An absolutely delightful way to spend the evening. Loved all the extras in the bonus page too.

This game is wonderful!!! The flavor text especially is filled with so much love! (and so much fear...)

(1 edit) (+1)

Nice game! I played it through twice to see the other ending. Only realised I could save my game after I'd already finished it once, but it was just as good the second time around.

Caroline is so funny. I love her happy little poses and her upbeat music and her perpetual smile. And that she keeps using smileys in what is allegedly spoken speech. How could someone as fun-loving as her mean anyone harm?

Thank you so much for the archaeology. I liked seeing all the in-progress bits and pieces, and the parts of the game that I'd missed. Or that weren't there at all? All games should do this, it shows off all the hard work you put into making the game as awesome as it is.

In particular, thanks for the time travel diagrams. I love a good time travel story, but I don't think I would have understood the causality of it all without your notes. Although... doesn't the fact that Linda can die during the chase sequence mean there should be a third ending in there? I suppose that one's not canon.

The gradually spreading corruption was really well done. It must have been a lot of work to make all those slight variations of every object in Linda's lab, but it really came together during the final scene. Gave me the creeps.

And the music was fantastic all the way through!

where can I listen to the OST?


The tracks I wrote aren’t uploaded to stream anywhere at the moment, but I’ll see what I can do! All the music files are in the “Bonus” folder for you to check out as well.

“Learning New Shapes”, the guest track by Applemaggot, you can listen to and download here:

(1 edit) (-1)

Will Play Again *Edit My Computer Has a BS record with Audio So I Added Some, Then Went Back to Hear orginal And I Love it*

Man, what to say about this game, this is an instant classic of RPGmaker horror, the words "masterfully crafted" come to mind, it is a truly unparalleled experience of surreal horror not tainted even once by cheap tricks, the tension builds up slowly but surely as the world devolves around us, I am surprised this is technically a "one room" game but it feels big and claustrophobic at the same time, indeed like being trapped in stacked boxes, probably like 9 of them.

There is nothing to dislike here, the characters, music, art direction and gameplay are on point but I want to bring special attention to the world building, it is very interesting without being too in the face or to dense that it becomes a chore to learn about it, the characters all eel pretty real and natural even in the face of this undefinable horror. And we even get a antagonist that is more than just evil or deranged, this madness indeed has a method, I wonder if it's defined on it's class...

Anyway, amazing job, I hope this game gets the praise it deserves from a lot of people 5/5.


Thank you for the kind words 💛 Glad you enjoyed!

This game was such a joy to play!! I loved the funny dialogue and the concept of the game itself is very creative and intriguing!! totally recommend playing it as it is such a fun game to get into for a few hours.

The ending seems to fall really flat? The most dramatic part of the game is probably the line when Caroline says the line about nested boxes, because it feels like she had just been setting the main characters up the whole time (and you seem to understand this, since you quoted it on the page)

But you don't do anything with it? Nothing happens to Joan? And the bad ending just feels like it's played for comedy, or like, bathos...? It's a huge anticlimax how the MC walks out with a funny looking portrait and Joan just has a single line of dialogue making a telephone call? There's no punch to it. I was expecting a lot more.


This game was some of the most fun I've had with a horror title in YEARS! The scares were great, the existential dread was awesome, and the care in the environments and character design were TO DIE FOR!

I've been telling any person who loves games to check this title out, as it's such a treat to experience! I also adored your video "Caroline and the Curious Contaigon", as it kickstarted my obsession with 3D designs and modeling.

I adored this game so much that I actually wrote a review on it for a class I'm taking! I'd love to hear any feedback, but preferably in the comment section. I'll probably go insane from that many google doc notifs. re:curse review google doc (I also want to apologize: I would've just attached the doc to this post, but it's not allowed :[! and i think people would get annoyed if I just slapped it in one of these comment boxes, understandably so)

Thank you for making this game!


Thank you so much for the kind words! I feel honored that you enjoyed the game enough to do your report on it, and it was really fun to read 💛 Sounds like my intent came across, glad you were able to pick up on the themes I was going for 😁

I’m a programmer by day and the ways software can degrade and fail are deeply interesting to me… We put computers through a lot. If you’re ever curious, one of the main artifacts I was inspired by is called “floating point precision error,” which is a degradation you see in graphics engines when doing math with Very Large Numbers. It causes the visuals to “bubble” or “jitter” as their point positions are rounded to the closest number that the engine can actually hold in memory. Lots of the glitch effects you see ingame were done by inducing that effect artificially.


thank you so much for this game i am scared for my life. waugh

dumb shit besides, will there be any more about linda and joan? bc if linda's just (SPOILERS)

 reduced to a life of being a drawing idk what i would do with myself.



I didn't realize there were multiple endings, I think it would be more helpful if that was more apparent on the end screen.  Aside from that, I really enjoyed the game.  I think the writing style was very enjoyable & quirky, and the old school feel of the graphics made it very easy to get lost in this game.  Keep up the good work!

I really liked this game!

the game in general is great, very beautiful graphics, very good story, and impeccable soundtrack, but I would like to see more scenarios so that it doesn't become monotonous, and I even questioned time travel from a more critical perspective, but my my head was fried so I just played and had fun

Anyway, great game!

Ah, I just played through + let carolineHouse run while I looked at all the bonus content. Guess I'm a newly minted fan of yours!