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A member registered Jan 29, 2017 · View creator page →

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This game really digs into my indulgent desire to read the entire game book before playing the video game. I really enjoyed what exits so far and look forward to any updates!

Thanks for this! I got the right answer but was a little confused as to why my order was correct. Your comment that "there's only so many combinations of the numbers on this phone that can total 8" set my mind at ease that there isn't a clue necessarily for the correct order, but that a few different guessing attempts are allowed.

Aw this was fun. I got the password right, but I'll be honest, I'm still not entirely sure why my order was correct. But then after reading over jakefriend's comments, I realized there wasn't a guaranteed order or a limit on the number of allowed guesses. So I guess I got it!

loved the multiple lines of description for each one, the occasional alternate interpretation of a sprite, and all the bug fact

I just read through this and had a lot of fun. Your illustrations are so varied and charming! Thanks for making and sharing :)

Quick and fun! I won my first playthrough  but still went back to try to get different responses. Thanks for making and sharing!

The breathing animation on the walls is so good and kind of satisfying to watch. Definitely stealing rhythmically yawning corridors for my horror campaigns. Thanks for making/sharing!

I know it's three years after you put this on itch, but I love wander-around-and-take-pictures games so I had to try it out. Nice sound design, love the vibe, thanks for sharing!

Thank you for making and sharing this!

Gorgeous game! As many other people have said, the atmosphere is just-right.  There's something tonally magical about your art style, too. Thanks for making and sharing!

Loved loved loved this. Didn't "win" the first time, which was great actually since it incentivized me to go back and play again and see a full set of completely new storycards. Amazed that you wrote 3 different iterations of each story moment in the Odyssey. And the UI was simple, manageable, and satisfying!

The vibes are impeccable.

Oh! Yes, of course I remember this little friend of a game. What a nice memory-lane surprise.

Effectively creepy with a tantalizing concept. I especially liked the visuals for the dreams.

Are there multiple possible endings?

A really, really, truly lovely little game. The gameplay was engaging enough that I could have gone much longer, and the sound effects and UI are both really pleasing. But it's the built-in narrative motivating the player to complete each puzzle sequence that's really clever and satisfying. Thanks for the great game!

Just realized I hadn't left a review for this demo despite my deep love of it and excitement for the full release. That's amended now. (Should I post it to Steam too?) 

Cheering you on!

Got the non-expanded version in the Bundle for Racial Justice and love it. Excited to treat myself to this version sometime soon!