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How do I license my game assets?

A topic by Dagnabbit_px created Jan 30, 2023 Views: 868 Replies: 7
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So I'm making a game asset and I want to know how I can properly and legally put a license on this. The asset have a basic pack (for free trial) and a premium pack (which contains all the assets including tilesets, characters, ui, etc.).

I have published a document through google docs which contains the content of the license for my game asset:

is it fine like this or should I do it in other legal ways?


Licenses written by amateurs are known as crayon licenses. Such are unlikely to be touched by anyone because A: they have not been tested in court and B: are likely to be filled with loopholes, inconsistencies and ambiguities because C: they have not been written by a lawyer and D: they have not been tested in court.

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Yes, thank you. So is it fine though if I just linked some other standard/generic licenses from other asset stores? Can I do that instead?


I’m not sure, I’m afraid. I’ve heard that even licenses can be under copyright, or at least the writing describing them.

If you wish to be 99% confident, your only choices are to either get a lawyer to write a license for you, or copy freely available licenses like those of Creative Commons. None of those are ideal, I know, but please don’t kill the messenger :).

Yes, I've looked on creative commons but I don't seem to understand the terms they use. Which I think doesn't fit to my needs. It's good tho, maybe creating two licences for non-commercial and commercial would be fine? 

Also I can't get a lawyer for this cause I'm broke :(


Your best bet is to pick a standard license from the list in the Metadata->Realease Info tab while editing your project page.

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Thank you. I think I'll do just that but just to be clear is that how most of the creators license their works? 


I don't know how most people do it. That's the method built into the website.

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