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game jam timeline filtering

A topic by Jukepoks1 created Jan 27, 2023 Views: 93
Viewing posts 1 to 2

I hope this not already discussed topic here and this is a right place for feedback on the game-jam page, if it is lead me to the existing one. I couldn't find one.

The game jam timeline ( is very crowded sometimes. Going through all the jams can be taunting task. I wish there were more filtering options to narrow down results on it.

example filtering options could be:

  • search bar with text, this would search by game-jam name or by author name of the jam for example.
  • tags to filter results, for example required game-engine: godot, unity, gdevelop. or gametype: metroidvania, roguelike, platformer, rpg. etc..
  • highlight only weekends or weekdays, as some people have work life and they don't have too much time on their hands, but want to join short ones here and there when possible.
  • option to hide game-jams that have already started.
  • option to hide-game-jams that have already ended.
  • option to narrow game-jams going in within time period. (start and end time range, in which jam is on-going, can be longer or shorter.) This would allow to lookup ahead for a jam and plan some free time to do it.

what do you think? have any more suggestions?

Moderator moved this topic to Ideas & Feedback