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Trans Bundle to compete with h*gwarts l*gacy?

A topic by UnityChapman created Jan 17, 2023 Views: 452 Replies: 7
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(1 edit) (+5)

sorry for the Throwaway account. i made it awhile back and thought it would be a good idea to share my idea

i was talking to a friend who is going to be buying the new HW game and they told me that it looked fun and when i told them about the harm buying it is going to cause they told me that if theres another game that looks more fun theyd buy that instead and that gave me an idea

why not compete with it by doing a charity bundle and reverse some of the bad that h*gwarts l*gacy is going to cause? im no good at making games but i could try to make one but maybe this is an idea that the itch community would like! sorry if im being presumputous? (if thats the right word) ive never made a game myself so i dont know if thats something youd want to do but i thought theres no harm in sharing the idea.



Sounds like a good idea!


This sounds like an interesting idea. I'd post on the Discord and Reddit to see if any game devs would be interested.


i will!!


This is a great idea!


And I am pretty sure that I am not the only one, eg. from this Jam that would be interested in the bundle...


From what I've read there isn't any anti-trans issues in the game.  The character creator is very inclusive.  The game dev team behind the game is not anti-trans.  I mean, fuck J. K. Rowling, but why go after a game dev team that is only using the Harry Potter IP?  Seems completely unfair.  Kind of a slap in the face as well for any LGBTQ team members on the dev team too...


You're trying to reason with people who are too petty to type "Hogwarts." Don't expect that much thinking going on here.