if i get he/she pregnant will there be a child or something???
It'll be explained in the later events of the gender-bend characters that their bodies are kind-of in a stasis while they're in the different shape. Which means an injury to the female body is not on the male but, but is still on the female body when the character changes back. Which means that the female body can get pregnant, without that the male body changes, and even if the character goes back and forth between male and female, the pregnancy will continue during the female phase without issue.
oh nice but at least keep Ryen away from that nonsense,him turning into female is okay but him being pregnant gosh i will just puke for that nonsense.
Didn't give much thought for that think before but now since your body phase won't changes sorta thing or whatever,you may implement it in future,either way it would be gross.so plz don't
first of all not saying some other dude will,but Ryen statement in game like did you masturbate to your female self to Brad show that he is more dangerous for this and may fuck hiw own female self if given chance.
And how the fuck would that not be gross? Playing as FMC? Shit doesn't take too late to occur after that