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Warrior Academy. An FPS/Action/Puzzle game.

A topic by UnoWayGames created Jun 03, 2018 Views: 770 Replies: 6
Viewing posts 1 to 7
(2 edits)

Hello everyone! I’m back with yet another new weapon. 

Before I begin I just want to mention that all future updates to Warrior Academy will be posted in the in this topic.

So here’s the new TM1 AR. And I have to say, I think this is my best work yet. Take a look!

I tried to keep the poly count low, while adding a good amount of detail.

The TM1 AR (Assault Rifle) is the first of 2 guns in the TM (TerminatorModel)
class. The next gun will be a hand gun in the same style.

The gun has a 3-point holographic sight, which can be swapped out with other ones. All weapons will be customizable, some more then others.

I put a lot of work into this one, so I hope you like it!

Next week, I’ll be cleaning up some code, improving the games performance,
and if I have time I’ll update the bolt model.

That’s all for now. I hope you like and please do leave a like and follow Warrior Academy for more awesome updates in the future. 

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Game on!

(2 edits)

Hello hello hello! A few devlogs ago I showed off the Bolt Pistol. Now, I’ve completely redone it, mostly because there were a few problems with the old model.

All stats will stay the same, just the model itself is changed.

As for the weapon system, I’ve finished planning it all out, so now comes the coding part.

The system is small but powerful, and easy to understand so adding on in the future will be an easy task, and performance will hardly be affected.

Stay tuned for more updates, follow the game and leave a like to support

And as always have a nice day and game on!

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Ranged weapon system and animations. Update #7

Hey everyone, I’m back with more updates once again! Unfortunately I don’t have much to show this week as I’ve been working on a new model, which I will reveal more about at the end of this devlog.

First off, I finished the ranged weapon part of the combat system.

Npc’s will be able to rotate certain parts of their body to a certain number of degrees. This allows them to aim more accurately.

I’ve also been working on some animations, for testing purposes only.
And no, this is not the new model, this is merely a testing model I made a while back and will not be included in any version of the game.

Heres one of the animations

NPC Aiming mechanic.

All the functions for ranged weapons is setup, all I need to do now is create the animations.

So that’s all for this week, sorry it was a short one, but I promise next week will be much more exciting. Oh yeah, about the new model, I’m working on a brand new player model, which will hopefully be done next week. So stay tuned for that!

Follow the development, and leave a like to support the game.
And as always, have an amazing day, and game on!


Warrior Academy

Weapon skins. Update #8.

Hey everyone. I know, I know, wheres the player model. Well unfortunately I was to busy to finish it this week, and I’m not yet satisfied with it, so hopefully it will be ready next week. Sorry I couldn’t do it this week, but I want it to be just right.

However, I wasn’t about to just skip this weeks devlog, so I decided to show you the new weapon skins!

These skins will be for ranged weapons only. Some skins will look the same on different weapons, while some will be unique to that certain weapon.

Here’s a little preview.

Worn Metal:

Orange Sci-Fi:

Default skin:

You will also be able to color the glowing bits.

Thats all for this week, again sorry I couldn’t finish the player model, but I’m gonna try my best to finish it next week, and after that I’m going to be really busy moving, so I won’t have much time to work on the game.

As always thanks for reading, have an awesome day, and game on!

Player model is finally here! Update #9.

Hey everyone. I have good news, the player model is finally here!
I've been working very hard on it for 2 weeks, so I hope you like it!

Also, I said the player MODEL, not the textures or animations, as I didn't have time to complete those. I have however been working on the texture, so I will show it, but remember it's incomplete, so it doesn't look too good at the moment. Anyway, enough talking, let's see the model!

And now some screenshots and a render image from blender.

I will admit, I'm not character modeler, but I hope you like it anyway and let me know what you think, feedback is always appreciated.

You may be wondering why there is no feet, this is because I decided not to model them since I'm working on some super cool shoes

As for the clothing, it's merely a protective body suit for under any armor.

And yes there will be a female character choice as well, but that won't be for a while as I need to get better at character modeling first.

So I hope you like it, and sorry it took so long (I think. I'm not sure how long something like this usually takes). next I have to finish the texturing, then make those super cool shoes I mentioned, and finally rig the model for animating. I won't be able to do much for the next few weeks since I'm moving soon, but I will try my best.

As always, thanks for reading, have and awesome day, and game on!

Lasers, Rigged player model, shading. Update #10.

Hello again everyone. I've been busy this week working hard on a few things.

First off I've been working on some nice shading and image effects which you will see in some of the screenshots I'm about to show.

Second, I rigged the player model so the animating can begin, unfortunately I didn't have time to animate this week, but I'll see what I can get done next week.

And third, I've introduced a new ranged weapon attachment, lasers.
Lasers will attach to pretty much all ranged weapons.
They also interact with the environment in a realistic way. Heres a little preview:

As well as looking super cool, lasers will also improve accuracy.

Now for some screenshots of the shading.

Also, I finished those shoes I mentioned.

Well that's all for this week, I hope you like the improvements so far, and please do leave any feedback as it really helps.

Nothing is complete yet, so expect some things to change (like the shading for example)

Next week I will try to get some animating done so stay tuned for that!
And as always, thanks for reading, have an awesome day, and game on!

Animations. Update #11.

Hello again everyone. I haven’t been able to get a lot of stuff done for this week since I’ve been working on animations and messing around with IK (inverse kinematics)


I’ve done the animations in such a way that I can use the same animations on a lot of other models, which will save a lot of time.

Thanks to the IK system, simply changing the weapons positions will animate the arms to follow, this is very useful for aiming and recoil on ranged weapons. This will also make positioning the hands when switching items in and out very quick and simple.

-Idle animation (WIP)

That’s all I have to show this week. The next few devlogs won’t have very much if anything new to show since I’m going to be very busy, but I’ll see what I can get done.

I hope your excited to see the future of Warrior Academy, because I am!
Please leave any feedback, and why not follow the game as well? (if you do I’ll try to follow your games too)

As always thanks for reading, have an awesome day, and game on!

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