Hi All. Been searching online and cannot find info about this specific query.
I just purchased art assets that are licensed for use in my project. As far as I'm aware, I can use them legally for distribution per the license agreement.
The question I have is more about community reactions. There's a very popular game out right now that uses the exact same assets. My game will not be ready for at least 1 year (or more). I anticipate that this game may very well still be popular at that time. It's honestly a really good game.
My game project is in the same genre, RPG, but is a very different type of game. The gameplay will not be the same at all. However, I anticipate many users on Steam who are unfamiliar with purchasing dev assets will be confused why there's another game out that has very similar art but is not produced by the same dev as the popular game I mentioned.
I am a complete newbie to this scene. What type of reactions should I expect and should I be concerned?