You are the grand wizard of the night, Lunos! (seen here):
Your dastardly nemesis Solarious (not pictured as he has no sprite yet) has sealed away the night inside the moon, and scattered its' shattered pieces across the land. Venture across the magical realm of Igridor and take back your stolen night!
but be careful, your magic is not nearly as powerful during the day. the only spell you can perform while the night is sealed is that of transformation! use it wisely to traverse the lands and defeat the dangerous wildlife lurking about, like so:
Once you've found all the moon pieces in a domain, you may venture forth to the next area, and continue your journey to TAKE BACK THE NIGHT!
Currently there is only one level, I plan for there to be at least five, hopefully ten if I feel I can do more. there's also one enemy type, the frog seen in the gif above, but I have plans for at least three more already in the pipe. I also have to add sound effects and a level select screen.
the transformation effect also needs a bit of polish so it's not just an instant cut.
the lives system and moon bits are already in place, as is the main menu:
and the game over and win screens, which look pretty similar to the pause menu in the gif so I won't bother with another screenshot, are also in the game already.