I recently used publicly-visible collections to organise my profile page, giving me three categories of project.
Now, by default these "sections" each have a simple text-heading. I would like to instead have image-headings, in order to add some visual interest to my page.
I've already requested and been given access to the CSS editor, and have spent some time experimenting with it and searching for ways to do what I have in mind--thus far to no avail.
In my searches I've found the ".game_grid_widget" class, which seems to be the one that controls the collection-sections, and some of its children, such as ".game_list"--but thus far no class that applies specifically to the collection-headings. Indeed, from what I've seen when inspecting the page, those appear to be controlled by basic "<h2>" tags, with no class applied.
Is there a way to do what I want? And if so, how? (Whether using my current approach of sectioning my projects via collections, or by manipulating the default display of projects in some way.)
It's perhaps worth mentioning that while I have used CSS before, I am somewhat of a novice at it!