I believe that I've found the answer--or at least, an answer.
In case it helps others who might want to do something similar, here follows the skeleton of the code that I used:
/* Note the use of "nth-child"; this allows us to select the relevant image for each collection. Within this "nth-child", we want to alter the appearance of the title-link given for the related collection. This link is produced by an "<a>"-block, which is contained within an "<h2>" block, which in turn is contained within a div of class "inner_column". */ .collections .collection_row:nth-child(1) .inner_column h2 a { /* The below does three things, if I recall correctly: 1) Force the link to have a given width and height, specifically that of the intended image. 2) Force the text off-screen (note "text-indent" here) And 3) Have the link display the intended image. */ display:block; text-indent:100%; white-space:nowrap; overflow:hidden; width:[YOUR IMAGE-WIDTH IN PIXELS]; height:[YOUR IMAGE-HEIGHT IN PIXELS]; background-image:url('[THE URL TO YOUR IMAGE]'); } /* Repeat for the remaining collections... */