is there any plans to make this into a bin/cue or iso file that could be played on an emulator or real hardware that can play backups?
Relive the first few hours of the PS4 classic, rebuilt with PS1 aesthetics! · By
That's really disappointing. I wasn't familiar with this project when I saw it pop up on my newsfeed, so when I downloaded it, I was confused when there wasn't a burnable disc in the archive. I expected it to be a PSX emulator bundled with a disc image or something like that where I could take part of it and run it on my PS1.
What? This was made with UE4, which is a game engine designed to run on modern PCs. As has been mentioned, running the game on native PS1 hardware would require a whole rewrite, and a LOAD of optimization, given how we take physics and rendering now for granted. The PS1 can't even sort polygons by itself!