I made an account specifically to talk about this game, and first off I want to say I've had a lot of fun. Just messing around with it is just really entertaining and kept my attention for unhealthy amounts of time. The surrealism, the goofiness, the fact that it's weirdly easy to control, all just hits that feel that makes me want to keep playing. My experience however won't be universal so I'll go over things in particular I want to comment on. I may make additional posts for suggestions if needed, or just comment on this topic if I can. I say all of this with the knowledge that the game is going to be improved and updated regardless.
- [Game Mechanics]: You mentioned adding another stat for Grimoires, along the lines of "Will" or something like that. If a different sort of equip layout also happens, I feel the option to equip two weapons or two grimoires would be fun, letting a player fully focus on one or the other. In its current state a Grimoire and weapon is required to get the most active buffs.
- [Bug]: Sometimes when swapping out an equipped item with one in your inventory without there being space to pocket the first item, it will become bugged when dropped and prevent the player from picking it up again. I experienced this bug while trying to get juice out of some weapons, and ended up losing my best item because of it.
- [Gameplay]: In my opinion the best boss in the game, in terms of challenge, is the Dream Eater. It covers a lot of things that make other bosses a lot easier to cheese. It can fly, decently fast too, and its arms give it a very dangerous range. You can't engage in melee combat, since it'll outpace you and get you caught in its arms more effectively than you can damage it. That means you'll need to focus on ranged attacks and avoidance, which is a little harder against a flying enemy. Dream Eater has the right features to be a simple but challenging fight depending on what point in the game you fight it. Even my "Endgame" build well beyond the Clog managed to die a few times. The closest thing would have to be the "Plunger Tornado" attack. It's a bigger hazard than the other plunger attacks by a large amount, but is still manageable. The opposite effect is The Wawsp Queen. While she's my favorite due to the hat, her Stinger Launcher attacks are just too oppressive for such a wide open arena. I don't know if she can fly, I couldn't tell whenever I fought her, but if she had a less extreme firing speed on her Stingers (Since you're also dealing with an army of Wawsps at the same time), and could fly/hover, it'd be a bit more engaging. Currently the boss consists of hiding behind the castle walls and then peeking over to take cheap shots at the Queen while she's bashing the wall repeatedly.
- [Bug]: You can just snipe Dream Eater out of the air with ranged attacks and it won't aggro, letting you kill the boss without ever fighting it.
- [Gameplay]: A good portion of my messing around was spent flying around the wilds to see how long I could live using dumb strategies. Things I noted were at high enough levels certain enemies can't effectively attack you, or be drunk when killed, and in those scales item drops are nearly impossible to see or simply get launched when spawned. And then there're the Cuddlebugs. They were the only actual threat in the wilderness, with a normal high level spawn being an all out war of panic and spam due to their fast speeds, high base stats, and ability to actually attack you despite their massive sizes. An attack that one shots most enemies will be tanked 50 times over by the same level Cuddlebug. In the wilderness generic enemies being easily avoidable spaghetti with the occasional intense mini boss battle thrown in. I don't know if this is due to the Cuddlebugs scaling too much. or simply the other enemies becoming so hindered by their own size you couldn't tell they were a threat to begin with. Not even the frolgs could bounce at high enough levels.
- [Game Mechanics and Gameplay]: The Good Juice item is probably one of the worst items to see drop. Any bonuses it has don't matter, and the juice it grants doesn't seem to scale with its item level or even size. You'll literally get more juice from shrinking it than drinking it.