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(4 edits)

Stuff part 3

  • [Bug?]: Pet Rocks will aggro ontp friendly NPCs, like Ingot or Mr. Fox. They don't become hostile and the rocks just keep mobbing them until death.
  • [Bug]: Pet Rocks will aggro onto rocks and trees instead of enemies.
  • [Bug]: If the Wawsp Queen is stuck to a Gravity Sphere, she will not drop a head even if you start to drink her.
  • [Bug]: The Super Ripped Guy's bat didn't spawn in.
  • [Bug]: Swirly D. Spawned off of his toilet during the initial camera pan. He snapped into place when it moved to focus on him, but he was just kinda standing in front of the toilet until then.
  • [Bug]: You cannot destroy crates with ranged weapons.
  • [Cosmetic issue]: The Skull Helm clips through the player too much, making it so you can never see the colored eyesockets. Probably needs to be resized or repositioned when worn.
  • [Dialogue]: In the opening tutorial, Ingot will count any weapon you happen to pick up as the morning star and instantly skip to his second dialogue. There should probably be some alternate dialogue for picking up the morningstar before talking to him, and just bringing a random weapon.
  • [Gameplay]: The Kinesis Grimoire stays that it can crush things, but doesn't actually deal any damage to the enemies it picks up. The same goes for the Kinesis Wand (which doesn't drain Energy when used). If you could damage enemies by slamming them into other enemies, walls, or objects, it'd probably be fine.
  • [Gameplay]: The knockback on explosive attacks such as the Wawsp Missiles, Fireball, or Sun seem a bit drastic, especially against larger enemies who are already too floaty to retaliate. It leads to a lot of cases where you're trying to chase after the enemy you've launched too far back. If the enemy can't fly, it has no way to resist.
  • [Gameplay]: The sight of a level 9000 Pet Rock Grimoire in action is hilarious, even if you can't actually kill anything with your rock army. I also love that when you have enough Pet Rocks, they will start to stack on top of each other in order to launch into flying or high up enemies, zombie style. Just felt it was fun to mention.
  • [Game Mechanics]: On my first playthrough I had no idea what the Hydrangelas were for, and repeatedly attempted to feed the one found in the Ripped Fog Giant's eye, only to give up and kill it when I returned to find it didn't retain any of the juice I fed it. There should be some sort of introduction to them, since I had to look it up. You could probably use the Old Guy, since he's a farmer(?).
  • [Question]: NPCs like Hoagen, Ingot, Sgt. Suckerpunch, Stroll Demons, Cuddlebugs, and Gators (kinda) are able to walk just fine. Will other enemies be updated so they can walk?