This is an issue I have with many websites with email notifications: I cannot choose the batch period of notification emails, esp. for less important news.
Currently the batch period is 1 day, so in the worst case, each followed developer updates/releases their game on a different day and I end up with a new email every day. Which is great if you’re checking news daily, but if you have less time during weekdays and just check the news in the weekend, a weekly digest (possibly with an option to choose the weekday to send the email) makes more sense.
For some people a monthly digest may also be helpful, but it depends on the load of notifications. If you follow many developers, that may generate a huge monthly email. However this could be relaxed by only showing the high priority notifications like major updates (I think only major updates send email currently? If not, this should also be made tunable in the options)
There is a weekly Digest but description says it’s for features games in general, not curated for me.
Note: as a bonus, being able to tune the batch period for each notification category would help, e.g. some devs may still want to see individual purchase of their games, esp. as they begin and don’t have many sales; while devs who sell a lot every week can probably just read the weekly or monthly summary.
Note 2: not sure which category is used for “new projects from people I follow”. I see “ New devlogs and updates from projects I follow” and “New uploads are added to something I bought or follow” but it’s all about projects, not people.