Heya! I've been working on a creature-creation game called Crescent Loom that is based on my neuroscience research.
You stitch together a creature's bones, muscles, and senses, and then weave biologically-realistic neurons into a functional brain:
The blue hexagon on the right is the creature's brain; you need to figure out how to connect neurons in order to get your creature's muscles to fire in the right order. It's sorta like programming the computer to play QWOP, but with real neural circuits.
Creatures can eat each other (of course):
And there's a racing mode where creatures are saved online and will show up in other player's games, depending on how successful they are:
The game is still far from being done; yesterday, after finishing up fulfilling all my Kickstarter obligations, I have officially entered open development and am working on it as time and funding allow.
Itch page (PC/Mac/Linux) :: https://wick.itch.io/crescent-loom
In-browser demo :: http://wick.works/crescent-loom-demo/ (it's mostly identical to the paid version, but is a bit slower + jankier just due to being in-browser, e.g. it can't save creatures locally)
More information :: http://wick.works/crescentloom/
Would love to hear what you think! :)