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can you say my name again

A topic by nadia nova created Oct 31, 2017 Views: 627
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(2 edits)

can you say my name again - a free twine game

  • This game is about anxiety. This game is about getting intimate and having sex. And above all, this game is about being a trans lesbian.
  • Kinetic Twine, 14,000 words. Made in two months for Yuri Game Jam 2017. This is the biggest game I've done so far! I hope you enjoy it.
  • Includes glitchy aesthetic images to go with the story.
  • This game is nsfw as it includes sex, I would consider it to be queer erotica and not porn, though.
  • Content warnings are included on the first page of the game.
  • Includes an optional 4$ artbook that has 19 pages of me writing about my game and showing all the art I drew during the months I've been making the game. Contains a generous amount of cute nsfw art.
  • Short synopsis:

 Pisti gets kicked out of her home for being trans and Laina ends up taking her in even though she was anxious about it in the beginning. This game is about how their relationship develops and how they bond through their identity and depression.