Having a lot of issues getting my latest game to show a crisp clean cover image on my profile page...
I'm very aware of the recommended resolutions for cover images, and although my older games have images that don't perfectly fit the size, none of them are noticeably blurry. The newest project, however, is showing a blurry cover even after I resized the image to be exactly the recommended 630x500 resolution. I've spent about an hour stretching the size in various directions trying to match some mysterious ratio that will display in a clean way. It's a bit baffling.
Probably the strangest part is: if I switch my profile to "Sidebar" project organization rather than "Grid," suddenly the cover isn't blurry anymore. I suppose this suggest that one of these options is strangely distorting the cover images versus the other one...? But even with that evidence, I've managed to make my other projects covers clean in "Grid" mode, so it's super frustrating that for some reason this latest one stays so blurry.
Thanks in advance for any help/advice on the topic.