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Two-player card match game [Amiga] · By RETREAM

Is 2 player joystick possible?

A topic by compfused created Apr 23, 2021 Views: 262 Replies: 11
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(1 edit)

I am having a hard time using 2 joysticks on this game, does it not support that when play 2 player?

Thank you, for otherwise a great game, love Amiga

Regards Remi



thanks, I'm glad you like the game :)

Regarding the joystick, sorry, but 2 joysticks are not supported - in 2 players mode, player 1 uses the keyboard and player 2 uses the joystick.
The game development is over and there are no plans to resume it (although, if life will allow it, I hope one day to add an AI). At the moment I'm busy with other (Amiga) projects, so unfortunately I can't help.

Kind regards,


Hello compfused, I've just released a new update and I seized the chance to add support for joystick in the mouse port (full story here). Thanks for the suggestion and enjoy!

Hi, thanks for MeMo, it's very nice and fun (i tried it with my kids for Amiga Day)!

Thank you ! And we like music too ;)

Have we find a nasty bug ? Maybe. When we tried the "two players mode" (with the version downloaded tonight here on, we can't flip the first card (one on the top left) and if first player leave it, we can't return on it (no problem with the "one player mode"). And, after a two player game, we notice that scores of player 1 and player 2 stay to 0.

Hope you can fix it one day.

Amigalement vôtre,



Thanks for reporting!
I fired up the game and quickly tried to flip the first card, but it worked just fine.
As for the 0 score, was that after completing at least the first level?
I'll make more tests later today and get back to you.

First of all, thx for your answer and for taking times to check it.

Yesterday, I tested it on my CD32 with Terrible Fire 330. Seems weird that it doesn't work just for me but maybe my Frankeinmiga is guilty ;)

I will try it on my 1260 and under EAUE MorphOS too.

For the 0 score, it was after time out on the first level in 2 players mode (we couln't complete it 'cause of the first card). I will investigate this problem on my others computers too.

Thank you !


You're welcome!

I have just checked the game and the code and found a bug that I introduced with the previous update: the code allowed both players to point the same card at the same time, which is a condition forbidden by the rules. The code assumes that such condition never happens, so maybe the stuck card bug you noticed is a consequence of this unwanted behaviour.

The 0 score is OK in this case: points are awarded only after the completion of a round.

The CPU shouldn't make any difference. Anyway, I'm going to test the game myself on my 68030 machine and, if everything goes well, I'll release a new update shortly thereafter.


It's released now :)
Please let me know if the problem is solved.

Yeah! All is working now! Thx again! 

Amiga fever ;-)


Glad to hear that and thanks for the report!

Been away for a while, just saw 2 player support was added in this game, also from my kid, I love it dad he says, we both appreciate your hard work and such a great way introduce Amiga for him


Thank you for letting me know about your kid: it's a joy to hear that :)