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Monstructs: Makers and Mayhem

A topic by OMI Games created Jul 08, 2017 Views: 675 Replies: 8
Viewing posts 1 to 9

I'm currently in the development process to finally complete an old project that's been haunting me for years! Here's the link with the full info: Monstructs on Itch!

and I made a WEBSITE for those looking to learn more and support!

Here's what I've done today!


Still working on Mapping Assets ATM. Currently, I've finished the mapping for my Forest map: Here's a sample of what it looks like:

Finished the largest Map Pack in my game, Grand City. It's a where a good portion of the game takes place. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Hey gang! We've got a fully playable ALPHA Demo for this project and also Screensavers/Backgrounds for backers

Itch Link:


To all my fellow devs, a Belated [IMG]

and [IMG] !

I hope you were able to enjoy your time with loved ones and good food with great gifts/parties.

I’ve been spending the last month or so spreading the word of this great game. The Monstructs FB page has grown (there’s even a community, now), a promotional Youtube Channel: Channel Link and I’ve made promotion materials like PC Backgrounds and Screensavers, which are conveniently found here!

The Gamejolt profile was also updated with a downloadable version of the Alpha (so now, you have MORE pleases to get it)! I’m waiting for some more feedback from some letsplayers, so I can make a Presskit Page for the site.

Good news is I’m back to the grind and tearing thru the map work for the BETA (DUE: Q2 2018) It’s been a slow start with thing going on around here, but progress has been made and I’m running a Tutorial series on the game’s youtube channel (found HERE). Hope you look forward to it!

Here’s what I have so far…


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I've update many of the issues that were (and weren't) brought up to me by people playing the first Alpha. You can download it HERE!

Here is the Changelog!


1 - Bug Fixes


1a. Fixed error that occurred when try to heal Team after a loss. 1b. Fixed Damage for your Monstructs's skills. 1c. Fixed error of choosing the wrong Formula at the Fusion Circle. 1d Fixed general errors in the database.


2 - Updates


2a. Updated enemy skill damage and defense 2b. Updated Help messages from Familiar. 2c. Updated Kaire Village and Burrowide Mines maps. 2d. Updated Formula drops from items.

Be sure to stop by and leave your thoughts/bugs/feedback at the DISCORD for this game!

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I've moved away from making anymore ALPHAS for this game and have fully entered the BETA Phase of production. Any feedback, comments or critique will be used to improve development on those. I've update the installation to make it easier to gt to and a new READ ME File with new contact info if you'd like to reach out to me.

You can see some of the newer features for the BETA in these posts:

Systems Updated!

Job/Mission System

Sprite Revamps

MOAR Progressu!!

Text/Menu UI Upgrade Evolution!!

Thanks again!

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Monstructs: Makers and Mayhem Released it's FIRST BETA!

After a getting a thorough thrashing about the game's opening/beginning, I've decided to shake things up. The old opening cut scenes didn't really make much sense with the story and mechanics of the game itself. So, with a little bit of outside-the-box thinking, I've come up with something I'm pretty proud of. Here's a quick peek at what you'll find:

Also with this Update I've made changes to how Monstruct Castes abilities can be used by the player. This was to make players more choosy on who to have in their Teams as they go about their adventures. Maps will be improved on, to better match the new dynamic. Stay tuned for more updates!

            *******************************               BETA 1 Changelog             *******************************


1. Updates


1a. Changed flower events so that they only give petals ONCE, but they respawn within 7 in-game  days.

1b. Changed Drunk in Makers Meet n' Greet to having him charge for important info.

1c. Upgraded Inspiration System.

1d. Rewrote many story elements Edited the Opening to reflect that.

1e. Added images to the Help System. 1f.  Added Traits to the game.

1g. Updated Character Set for both the FUNK-Gus and Treant Bosses.

1h. Upgraded images in Opening and Making system.

1i.  Made it easier to Make at least one more Monstructs before leaving Kaire Village.  


2. Bug Fixes


2a. Fixed functions in the in Help system.

2b. Fixed Party reviving after battle glitch.

2c. Fixed Healing error after the first major battle.

2d. Fixed grammar errors in important scenes/systems.

2e. Fixed possible GameOver error when you lose Caste Master Fights.

2f.  Fixed errors in Monstructs selection on Caste Masters Map

If you're interested please stop by the Game's DISCORD and Site Page for more info.