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Push fails for Windows build if file is already uploaded

A topic by BenJoe72 created Jan 19, 2021 Views: 404 Replies: 4
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So I have butler set up for a game I'm creating and I'm making WebGL and Windows builds.

Whenever I create a new build for WebGL and upload it via butler it works fine. But when I try to push a "windows" build then it says in the notifications that "A build for [gamename] failed to process". But if I delete the zip from the game's itch page and I repeat the exact same push, it works fine. Why could that be? Is there a way to force upload and replace the existing zip?


Replacing an existing zip is the default option, and should “just work”.

Somewhere in the settings you can “reject builds with the same version number” (or something similar), did you check that? It could possibly explain it.

(1 edit)

I can't seem to find a setting like that. Could you point where where would I find this setting? Is it in the "Edit Game" somewhere or one of the account "Settings" tab?

Because even if I use --userversion and update the version it still rejects it.


It’s in “Edit Game” -> “Distribute” -> “Build Settings”. The one I was referring to is:

[ ] Enforce unique versions per channel

Pushing a build will fail if the version already exists in a channel

But I also saw the other tickbox:

[ ] Enforce semantic versioning

Versions that aren’t of the form a.b.c-suffix (where -suffix is optional) will be rejected.

These were the only reason I could think of why a build would be rejected. If both are un-ticked, then maybe something else is happening.

Found them. Both unchecked.