Ever get tired of constantly making a new fps controller for your projects? Tired of making stamina, sprinting, health, crouching, etc mechanics time and time again? Well, never again! This is Uni-FPS controller! A universal fps controller designed to be fully customizable and usable in any first person project!
- full customization of all features in the controller with quick and easy to understand variables and comments
- Comes stock with crouching, sprinting, flashlight, walking, camera control, jumping, above head collision detection, ability to focus flashlight beam, quality of life features such as: releasing shift and continue to sprint until either stamina depletes or you let go of your forward button. Easy setups to add sound effects, interaction line trace, damage receiver, look behind player camera, gamepad setup ready, and free additional realistic head bobbing for both running and walking (Optional and requires manual setup to work)
- Designed to work with any first person game you can think of.
Number of Blueprints: 5
Input: works with KB&M and Gamepad, but will require input mapping setups.
Network Replicated: Yes
Supported Development Platforms: Unreal Engine
Windows: Yes
Mac: No
Documentation: All documentation is contained on this page or visible instructions in the asset itself via comment boxes.