Webcomics are really a popular thing right now and there is very little options to read it online. Itchio seen to have some areas for it, but they could be improved a lot. Books could also contain light novels and the ability to read online.
Is more of a suggestion for moderation, but there is tons of improvements it can be done.
Right now for webtoons, i Think the only site that artists can really make a income is webtoons.com, and I really enjoy itchio system, so it could become another way for artists to be able to make a income.
For specifics suggestions, if a developer feel like a good idea, I can create a file with some stuff.
Erm… I don’t want to lie to you, so I’m going to sound a bit discouraging for a moment: Right now, and to the best of my knowledge[*], itch.io still suffers from a torrent of boring but important stuff that holds their admins back from creating and/or changing features for the actual website. This means whatever your suggestions are they would be going into a very big pile of user suggestions that have been made since at least this summer that are “probably” unevaluated. That means somebody, at some point in the future, would go through all these suggestions, put them into some kind of internal database, write short blurbs what they are actually about and rate their long term importance as well as the time predicted to implement (and properly test) those changes. (And there are still projects that were actively being worked on when #### hit the fan that would take priority. Once people stop buying Windows games for their Mac and then stop complaining that they won’t run natively, that is.)
It is not unheard of to have smaller changes to the code happen overnight, but what I’ve seen that is really detailed stuff in the far corners of some rarely used CSS or something - not the sites that are front and center for every user that browses the store.
So with that out of the way: If you have some good ideas, please share them. But with the knowledge of… (gestures wildly) the situation at hand you do not need to rush your post and you should not feel discouraged if the implementation of any of it will take a really long time. Like you said yourself: There are specialized sites which already do graphical novels better than itch.io. So the admins will most likely first focus on improving more gaming-focused or general changes, like improving the search.
[*] I am not a spokesperson of itch.io in this matter. I pick stuff up in these forums and the comment sections and draw my own conclusions. Sometimes they are right - sometimes they’re not.