Every single game I try to run any title at all from the itch client it fails. This has been happening for at least a year. I have completely erased the client and all software and re-installed a couple of times as well as doing so with all games. I figured it was a client bug that would eventually be resolved in an update but that still has not happened so perhaps it is just something haywire on my system. One of the first errors visible in the log is API Error 400, that I must buy the game to download, but I am only trying to launch titles that I in fact do own that are in my library. Then in the log it says no app manifest no matter how many times I install, re-install, etc. Then it will say running as user (itch player #) then Exited! 'Had error: invalid argument No messages for standard error -> Standard error: empty -> Standard output: empty Relaying launch failure'
I can launch the games from their respective installation folders. It is only the itch client that exhibits this problem.