I published my first game Peter Mouse, but i can't find it or even me. Did i something wrong?
Hi Thrinmor,
From what I can see you’ve done everything correctly. The game seems to be published 3 days ago, which was the weekend. Usually weekends are slower when it comes to reviewing games, so I’m sure in one of the following days it will be indexed.
I don’t know why you can’t find yourself. When did you make your creator profile? It needs to go through a similar review. I’m not sure if your creator profile can only be approved after your first published game, or that’s not relevant at all.
If a mod/admin takes a look at this, they might be able to go into more detail. If that doesn’t happen, I’d suggest to wait a few days. Fortunately your project can still be accessed through the URL, so you can still share your creation on social media.
PS. Judging from the screenshots, your game looks quite exciting, hope it goes well!
I can find your profile in a search just fine. As for the game, did you read the Search & Browse FAQ to see why the game might have been held back?